Hi everyone again....
At the moment I'm in Singapore, correct - not in AUS anymore. It's a shame actually!!!!!!! I arrived here Thursday evening. I had to take the taxi from the Airport to my Hostel which is located in Geylang. I was really really tired from the last couple of weeks, so I was very happy when I finally got her. The Hostel itself doesn't look like a Backpacker Accommodation really. It's like if you would live with a family here, everything is clean, very nice. There is a big common room with table and TV from where you get to the different rooms and kitchen... Strange is, that the toilets are inside the showers and the "bathroom" basically inside the kitchen. Well, you get used to it...
The first day I went to town with another girl from my room, who arrived also Thursday night. We took the MRT to City Hall and walked through Chinatown, visited a few Temples and made our way down to Sentosa which is a little Island south of Singapore. It took us a couple of hours - NEVER AGAIN! We were so exhausted...
Well, I must say, my expactations from Singapore in general were different. Everything looks dirty and just like every other City.
After walking around Sentosa for a while we decided to go back to the Hostel, the humid heat was unbearable.
Day2 was almost a replay from Day1. Me and two other girls had a look around town again, but this time we went to little India, just east of the town. I was still very exhausted and tired from Day1 so I didn't really enjoy the walks! We visited the Sultan Mosque, the biggest mosque in Singapore, before getting to the better part of the day - shopping. At this stage I decided that my Backpacker time is over and it's time now to be a Flashpacker
Today the other two girls went to the zoo, but I don't fancy watching animals, so I stayed in the Hostel. I wanted to go south to the Singapore-Flyer, the biggest Ferris wheel in the world. But unfortunatley I fell asleep and when I woke up again, I was too lazy to go out into the heat, so I stayed in the Hostel the whole day and recovered my sleepiness.
That was Singapore!
Tomorrow I'm off to KL. I haven't booked a bus yet, so let's hope I find the right one! I can't wait to get there, will be great....
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