Welcome back to Sydney - it's great to be back! Nothing changed, everything is exactly the way it was when I left - just amazing! Me and a friend stay at one of our travel mates from the Red Center Tour. It's a great location, walking distance into town. So far we've been out for a few drinks around the area and spent a bit time around the …
Hello to everyone visiting my site (the first time or maybe more often for those who can't get enough of me)...Ha Ha!
I hope you enjoy looking around and find out more about me and what I'm doing around the world. I guess you'll get very jealous when seeing all the beautiful places I'm going to visit.Well well, i catch up with some of you later anyway. For all the others, enjoy your life and keep it easy...
Love, Mandy
Welcome back to Sydney - it's great to be back! Nothing changed, everything is exactly the way it was when I left - just amazing! Me and a friend stay at one of our travel mates from the Red C…
I finally made it back to OZ - amazing! Can't believe I am here again, it's just a great feeling... I got here to Melbourne Thursday night, after 10hrs sitting in the plane and celebrating Xm…
MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS from Bangkok to everyone!I arrived here yesterday, just an overnight night stay, before I'm heading back to AUS tomorrow morning... Looking forward to that!
Anyway, well …
Hi everyone, hope you all are well...It's my last day in Koh Samui today, a well earned Holidays comes to an end! I can honestly say, it was really relaxing doing nothing at all the last 3day…
Hi folks… Ok, I think it's time again to let you know that I am still alive. A lot happened the last couple of days! AND: IT'S HOLIDAY NOW - WOO HOO!!! We finally got to Thailand, thank God…
Onkel B
Little WeihnachtsgedichtWhen the snow falls wunderbarAnd the children happy are,When the Glatteis on the street,And we all a Glühwein need,Then you know, es ist soweit:She is here, the WeihnachtszeitEvery Parkhaus is besetzt,Weil die people fahren jetztAll to Kaufhof, Mediamarkt,Kriegen nearly Herzinfarkt.Shopping hirnverbrannte thingsAnd the Christmasglocke rings.Mother in the kitchen bakesSchoko-, Nuss- and MandelkeksDaddy in the NebenraumSchmücks a Riesen-WeihnachtsbaumHe is hanging off the balls,Then he from the Leiter falls...Finally the KinderleinTo the Zimmer kommen reinAnd it sings the familySchauerlich: "Oh, Chistmas-tree!"And the jeder in the houseis packing the Geschenke aus.Mama finds unter the Tanneeine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne,Papa gets a Schlips and Socken,everybody does frohlocken.President speaks in TV,All around is Harmonie,bis mother in the kitchen runs:Im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans.And so comes die Feuerwehrwith Tatü, tata daher,and they bring a long, long SchlauchAnd a long, long Leiter auch.And they schrei - "Wassermarsch!",Christmas now is in the Arsch.Merry Christmas, merry Christmas,Hear the music, see the lights,Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht,Merry Christmas from Onkel B.
Hey Maus, ich habe mal die Zeit gehabt, auf deine Seite zuschauen. Hast sehr schoene Bilder gemacht. Werde oefters vorbei schauen. Hab dich sehr lieb! Knutscha deine Sandra
Sandra Das is ja ma geil :D
re: photo from 05 October 2008Sandra I miss you!!! :(
re: photo from 25 September 2008Sandra s :) Passt irgendwie zu dir *g*
re: photo from 25 September 2008