Day 102 - Koh Phangan
Another lie in this morning but unfortunately not sunny today, we head for some breakfast hoping that it will brighten up a bit later on.
After breakfast we lounge around in the room for a while and decide now is a good time to book our accomodation for our first stay in Bangkok. We were initially going to have a few days there in between going to Chiang Mai and then a few days there after Chiang Mai before we have to fly home but the weekend that we wanted to go is a public holiday for the king that all Thai people celebrate and have about 4 days off. Apparently a lot of locals want to go to Chiang Mai for the celebration so the train we wanted was full so we are now going to Chiang Mai 2 days earlier than planned.
We've booked a place that is very close to the train station and the MRT stops so if it turns out to be ok we'll probably book it for our last few days in Thailand as we'll be getting the MRT to all the places that we want to go around Bangkok and our sad journey to the airport.
The weather still wasn't picking up and as some of you may know we want to get a dog when we get home (not that I mention it all the time) so we start a bit of research for Wiggles such as what toys to get etc.
As we're doing our research we hear a strange noise outside so look out of the window to investigate .. its Rex he's decided to come for a lie down on our porch :) I want a picture of the dogs so head outside with the camera to get a snap of Rex but he keeps itching so I call him to get his attention hoping that he will look at the camera but instead he jumps up and comes running over wanting stroking! I of course have to stroke him for a while and Si keeps looking out of the window wondering whats taking me so long, eventually he lies down and I get my picture :) Now I just need to get Rollie.
By this point we're getting pretty hungry so head over to the restaurant for some grub and of course some drinks. As its been clammy all day we both feel like we're being savaged by mosquitos (even though we have repellent on) so grab some drinks from the fridge and take them back to the room and continue our research on Wiggles.
The research has paid off as we now know which food we want to put him/her on, we continued to read about training tips but our sleepyness got the better of us and we had to get some shut eye.
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