Day 100 - Koh Phangan
We awake and look out the window and the sun is shining :) We go for some breakfast at the restaurant attached to where we are staying, after breakfast an old thai man (we think its the father of the woman that runs the place) came over all smiley and gave us some free fruit, some banana and some langsat. We'd seen people eating this langsat but never knew what it was. You basically peel the outside and the fruit is in 5/6 segments and tastes quite similar to a grape its very nice and how nice of him to just give us some for free! After that we head back to the room to get creamed up .. we feel like we haven't seen the sun in ages so best make the most of it!
There are sun loungers just on the beach owned by the bungalows so we chose 2 that are in the sun and plonk our stuff down for a spot of sun worshiping. After a while sun bathing we start to feel the heat so decide now is a good time to go and have a dip in the sea. The sand is quite dark so the water isn't that clear which is quite worrying when you can see lots of crab holes but no crabs ... lets hope they dont nip our toes!
After cooling off its soon time for some dinner so we venture into the restaurant again and there are loads of geckos wandering around the ceiling even though its broad day light! We've also now discovered that when they make the chirping noise they also wag their tails they look so cute when they do it :)
We let our dinner settle and went for another dip in the sea, its very shallow so we walked out quite far and saw some rocks in the distance so decided to walk to them and see if we could spot any fish etc. We got to the rocks and saw some fish but as the water is quite dark we couldn't really get any pics.
A dog runs up to the rocks where we are and got all excited as though it has someone to play with, Si joked about how it wouldn't have the guts to jump in the sea and just as he was finishing his sentence the dog leapt into the water and came wading over to us wagging its tail. It seemed nice enough at first trying to lick us and stuff but then Si felt its teeth brush his leg .. oh dear. I got the dog away from his legs and we walked out a bit deeper so it couldn't follow us and then headed back towards our part of the beach.
The sun was now going down so we went back in the room to get showered and cleaned up. We were just sat in the room and heard lots of loud splashing in the sea and looked out the window to see the biggest rottweiler you've ever seen (Si now refers to it as the horse) it was just jumping around and playing in the water with a very large alsatian. They both look harmless though but I dont think Si is looking forward to meeting them!
After getting over the shock of the size of the dogs we went across to the restaurant to get some tea and have a few drinks. We did a bit more lizard spotting they all seem to have sussed to hang around the light where all the flies go so every light in the restaurant was surrounded by little geckos :)
The Alsatian came into the restaurant and came and said hello he's called Rex and is such a big softy! We saw the rottweiler pottering around but it didn't come over to us, we still cant get over the size of the thing!
After our drinks we headed back to the room to watch some Glee before calling it a night after our strenuous day :)
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