Day 68 - Gili Trawangan/Gili Meno
7:30AM alarm goes off, it's so hard waking up to an alarm when you're used to getting up when you feel like it!
We get all cleaned and packed before ordering the brekky. Having sampled an egg Jaffle yesterday i went for a banana and honey 1 and it was good!
We say our goodbyes and check out and head straight for the harbour to get on the island hopper boat which is the public "bus" that travels between the 3 Gilis twice a day. We arrive at 9am buy our ticket (costs about £1.30 each) and is supposed to leave at 9:30am however as they do as they please on these islands they decide to leave about 9:15am ignoring the fact that people may turn up after this (lucky we got there early!) Its another ropey sea today so the boat is going everywhere but once we get to open water it settles down, as we're cruising along we look out to the right of the boat and there are flying fish! Yep fish that actualy fly! They dive out the water and hover along for a bit before splashing back down, neither of us had seen 1 before so it was a pleasent surprise.
As we pull up on Meno we jump off into the sea carrying our bags with us and walk up the steps to the main strip, as soon as we're up there a guy approaches us and asks us if we need a room we ask him where and how much etc and agree a price, its a place called Mimpi Manis which means Sweet Dreams in the local language. Its right infront of the strip/harbour/beach and it has fresh water showers (which are very rare on these islands) There are 4 traditional bungalows on stilts in total all of them look the same and they all have an outdoor bathroom!
We give it the once over and decide we should crash here and we are soon heading out for lunch. After catching a few rays and cooling off in the sea we head back to change then out to BiBis cafe for some tea Rhona was brave and went for a curry (a mild 1) it was so mild it was made entirely of coconut milk so she managed to eat enough till she felt she would pop. We then went to Rust bar for cocktails, all cost about £3 each but all massive and very well made by the barman from Lombok.
After heading back to the room we realise that the mozzie net over the bed has a couple holes in so we pull the celotape out and get to work. After we seal it all and we're sure nothing can get in we climb into bed when we realise that whatever was in the net to start with now cant get out. Rhona grabs the torch and starts spotting little flies and beetles inside the net eek!!! after a couple hours of inspection and getting rid of every little critter we saw we finally try get some kip however Allah doesnt want us to sleep and it's soon prayer time at about 4AM!
Mimpi Manis didn't live up to it's name on the 1st night here but hopefully now with the mozzie net fixed and the bed clean everything will be plain sailing .......
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