Day 71 - Gili Meno
Well it turns out the barman from Lombok is a better barman than a weatherman, we are awoken by the sound of torrential rain!
I jump out of bed and open the door and it looks just like Manchester Lashings of rain and lots of wind, we have our 1st tropical storm.
Not to let this put a dampner on things we head to the cafe by the sea as theres a big wooden cover over it and get some brekky and a couple of strong Lombok coffees.
Everybody around the island heads to the same place as us as everywhere else has closed due to the weather and Ramadan. The sea is stupidly wavey and not many boats are running, the island hopper has been cancelled but a few brave fishermen decide to venture out as do a couple of snorklers .. snorkling in 5ft waves doesn't sound appealing.
As the clock hits about 12ish the sun comes out the sea settles and we're hungry but wanna eat someplace else for a change of scenary so we head to the only other open place on the island, theres usualy about 4-5 places to eat on the entire island so theres not much choice to start with.
After lunch we laze around in the sun for a while before heading back to change for tea. Again only 1 place on the entire island is open so we manage to jump in before the crowds decend. within about 10 minutes its utter carnage people getting angry because they've been waiting for a table for about an hour, people getting the wrong food, cats running round jumping on tables and chairs .. all very comical and we were alright so just laughed at how crazy everybody was getting, hunger does funny things to people.
After tea it was time for beers/cocktails so off to the only proper bar on the island for a couple Mai Tais and Blue Lagoons and Jumpin Jacks. Lots of fireworks were going off on all 3 islands as everybody was celebrating the end of Ramadan.
A good end to a day that i thought was going to be a bit rubbish but the people here don't let a bit of rain spoil their fun and everybody stayed laughing and joking all day.
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