Day 70 - Gili Meno
A better nights sleep last night so we're straight out of bed and heading for breakfast, it's a bit hotter today (The weather is so warm here!) Rhona decides she wants to stay out of the sun today so i head to the beach for a couple hours and leave her with her to chill for a while. Its so hot people are running across the beach as the sand is scorching. Soon as i throw my stuff down i jump in the sea (such a refreshing feeling!) Then go to toast for a bit.
As i'm lay there out the corner of my eye i see something big move i turn round and it's a massive crab! (probably about the size of my hand) Unfortunately i forgot the camera so couldn't take a picture
I head back after a couple hours to take Rhona to lunch and cool down a bit. We spend the rest of the day relaxing and head to somewhere new for tea. Our hut has lots of little Gecko lizards running around the ceiling which provides us with lots of entertainment. We chose this bar as they had 3 for 2 on Vodka & Orange however when we got the Vodka and Orange we realised it was Vodka with an orange flavour liquer in it (so basically straight Vodka) I loved it but it was a bit much for Rhona who had 1 and oved onto the Rum.
We stopped in at Rust bar for a couple and chatted to the barman. Much like the other place everbody does a bit of everything and he was a chef but as its Ramadaan the usual bartender had to go back to Lombok and he was covering. He was telling us how he bought a hut on the island for about 20 Million Rupiah (thats about £1,700) after telling him the average price of a house in England (£100k which is over 1 BILLION Rupiah) he looked like he was going to have a heart attack!
I asked him about the weather as a couple hours ago we heard a bit of thunder and Lombok (which we can see in the distance) had lots of cloud over it, he assured me that it doesn't rain here on Gili Meno so we have nothing to worry about .. cool! He also told us most of the island is either Muslim or Hindu, the Hindus think the Muslims are crazy as they get up at about 3-4am everyday to pray (i agreed)
After a couple of large rums we headed off home and were greeted by the biggest lizard we've seen yet!, a huge blue/white/green 1 stuck to the bathroom wall (probably about the size of my hand) i shouted Rhona in so we could take a pic but it slithered away before we could snap it, she hopes its there again tomorrow.
Our time in the Gilis is about halfway through now and it will soon be back to the madness of Bali!
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