Day 9 (bored yet?)
This was our first really early start...after 3 days of madness we were up at 5am for a 7 hour 700km drive to the Whit sundays, via Airlie beach and a few other quick stops...The journey pretty much involved sleep, but the first real chance to talk to everyone, as everyone introuduced themselves on the microphone on the bus..we got to airlie beach and after importantly buying a football we got a scary little boat out to home for the next 2 days...Hammer the sailing boat..not what i was expecting!!! Mick the captain adam and ross the crew were proper sailors and i was expecting the roman abramovich lifestyle but it really wasnt i cant see him using a toilet about the size of his hand which even i couldn't stand up in for fear of hitting my head...i did feel tall though!! anyway...we all bought alot of drink and cards etc and sat in the middle of the sea looking at some incredible scenery as the sun set....
Day 10
after watching sunrise ove the islands ( whitsundays is made up of 74 islands and beaches) we went to white haven beach...good name as it literally was amazingly white!! you could see it at night glowing....the sand is so fine you can clean jewellery..we were there for the morning, played football and rounders against another boat we then went to an amazing lookout which i can only describe with photos but there were stingrays little sharks and turtles!!!whish came pretty close to the boat o and dolphins in the evening. i'll get the pics running out of internet time..i'll be back....
to be continued
Day 11
After being told the aborigional story of the sea serpent dropping 74 eggs which became the islands...(good story as it was actually a little thing called the ice age which caused them to form) we set sail..this sail re-confirmed that i am not destined for the navy!! i think i forgot to mention they took our shoes at the start and we werent allowed to wear anything on our feet which meant they were was also really windy which made perfect sailing conditions apparently..16.2 knots later (the fastest they had ever been was 17) and after hanging on as the boat was pretty much 90 degrees. o and also half way through the sail came loose and being the closest boy me and a guy called husky had to stand up and get it back..i did get a round of applause but it was scary!!...anyway we arrived at an amazing resort called daydream it! we had a game of crazy golf but more importantly the greatest shower of my life after two days..and then a really good bbq before an early night for a long drive in the morning
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