We were picked up at 6am in a 16 seater 4x4! It was a 2 hour drive to get to Kakadu and our first stop was to go Croc spotting! The Australian Estuarine or Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) <--- (Bit of knowledge for ya) is one of the most dangerous animal in Australia, yes i know there are spiders etc but the the only thing beating the crocs are the jelly fish.
We went out on a big steel boat with high sides along the Mary River, our guide said the crocs had been hiding for a few days so we may not get to see any which was a bit gutting but we remained hopefull anyway. It wasnt looking good after 20 mins of cruising up the river and then all of a sudden we spotted one launch of the bank and start its swim towards the boat :) As it approached it disappeared under the water and no one could tell where it went, then it just popped up right next to the boat, scaring a few people haha. The guide hung some meat over the edge to feed the croc and it launched itself out the water to grab it, it was real quick, it would lay dead still and then just snap and you could hear the mouth snapping shut.
Another croc came off the bank and joined in the feeding and it was a bit bigger, then a few minutes later they both just vanished, everyone was looking around and then we saw some ripples coming towards us from further down stream. Our guide said this croc coming towards us hasnt been seen for a while, he was the daddy, the largest in the river, the top dog. This explained why the other corcs swam off scared. This croc was massive, it sat along side the boat and just stared at us, he wasnt to fussed about moving to much and then "snap" the food was gone...he was a bit of a pro. We all got our pics and then headed back to our 4x4 to head further into Kakadu.
The next stop was an Aboriginal settlement. We headed to Woolna Country and receive a Cul Cul (traditional welcome) by the traditional owners of the land, the Limilngan - Wulna people. This traditional welcome was a bit of a shock, they basically pour water into their mouth and then spit it onto your head...yeah nice, but it apparently gave us the right to walk on their land and be protected while travelling through, so thats ok then :)
After the water works we sat down with a few of the tribe and they talked to us how they live etc, they showed us their musical instruments and gave us a didgerido show. They then showed us how they paint by making colours from rocks and we each got a tattoo (not real). Some of the younger tribe then showed us how they make bags and fabric items. The bags they showed us took over a year to make!! thats one year = one bag! but it was really nice and the details and colours were amazing. Next we were shown some spear throwing techniques and were given the chance to have a go ourselves :)
After meeting the aboriginals we headed to our camp. We arrived and saw a swimming pool which was a nice thing to look forward to after a day in the sun. We unpacked in the tents and then headed to the pool. We jumped in hoping for nice cool water but this was not cool in the slightest, it as warm as a bath you were used to at home, literally, like having a warm bath...still, it feshened us up a bit.
We had some dinner, a huge amount of spag bol yum yum and then went for a walk. By this time it was pretty dark and the noises from all the insects were really loud. You could see around all the lights "things" flying around, we were used to moths and a few roaches but the moths here were the size of my palm and crickets that must have been 5 inches long! everything was just bigger and made more noise. There was also a bit of rain which brought out all the frogs and toads. We went to bed after clearing our tent of 3 spiders accompanied by some gekkos and the noise of a million bugs.
We were up early, breakfast was fast and we were on the road again before we knew it. Next stop was to see some aboriginal art and then onto the waterfalls :) We climbed up a pretty high hill after looking at the rock paintings and could see over the plains/flats for miles, all the way to the horrizon was just flat green lush grassland with rock pillars popping up every now and then, infact one of the rock pillars closest to us was used in Corcodile Dundee!
We then headed to 2 waterfalls, the first took 45 mins walk to get to but was worth it, check out the pics, this water was cold and everyone went for a swim. Everyone was pretty knackered by this point, the sun was ridiculously hot too. We started the long drive back and looked forward to the next step, Cairns!
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