12/12/07 - Decied to start this blog today as you can see ive been trying to catch up with stuff going ok but its getting hard to remember stuff and im sure im missing out on things so i thought id jump ahed a bit and write about fresh stuff. Today's the first of my 3 days off this week, got to make the most of it. Me Rob and David went to manly today with the bodyboards we got the other day, the waves were HUGE! Kept on thinking the surfers were gonna crash into me they must hate bodyboarders but oh well. Discovered our absolute C*** of a landloard has decided to stick another 100 bucks onto the rent with no warning, we are not happy! Going to try and speak to him about it later.
13/12/07 - World Bar day woop woop! Finaly made it to the sky tower today, managed to find our house through the binoculars i was very impressed. It is preety kl up there but does get a bit boring after a while. We missed getting on the Oz trek tour by a min so were going to have to back anouther day now gutted. Well its thursday so we have to go to world bar, the first without the fruitpickers, and after last week i wanted to actualy make it there in a fit state. Vicky unfortunatly didn't, she started falling asleep on people and left at half 12 dissapointing Lee and Stef took her home, me lou rob and dave stayed for quite a bit after but the music was a bit lacking and it was absolutely packed so wasn't much fun, hopefully next week will be better.
14/12/07 - Uhhg what a headache. All of us that are left in the house went to coogie, yes finally a new beach getting a bit bord of manly and bondi, to recover from last night. It was well small but really nice white sand, great views and some insane shore breaks so much fun just jumping into the waves. We had a lil explor round some of the rocks and found this wicked little natural pool and had a bit of a swim there. Unfortunatly most of us managed to fall asleep on the beach an get a little bit cooked. Vicky came off worst, some very interesting burn patterns on her.
15/12/07 - Great, back to work, not a great day today it was absolutely rammed and got shouted at by my supervisor, vicky started workng there too so there's now 3 in the barn workers crew. Decided we'd go some where different tonight so we went up oxford street, apparently the gay area but oh well, to havana club which was actually well good probably one of the best nights of the trip so far, then i remembered i have to go to work tomorrow.
16/12/07 Had the ultimate hangover cure, the big barn breakfast (which isnt actulay that big, but its bloody tasty). Got back and watched a bit of family guy then Vicky discovered shes getting kicked out, Andrew is turning into shuch a d*** right at christmas time, we rang the work and travel number they say there goning to try and sort it out for us but i think itll definatly be time to move out after new year i actualy hate andrew, never stay at balmain backpackers!
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