Lucy's Overseas Trip!
Hi all!
Mellissa and I arrived in sunny San Diego 2 days ago! Yesterday we went to Sea World which was absolutely fantastic!! So much to see and do!! We saw 5 shows in total there...."Believe" by Shamu the killer whale, "Dolphin Discovery", "Clyde & Seamore's Risky Rescue" (sea lions), "Cirque De La Mer" (Cirque De Solei show on water!) and "Pets rule!" (a show with dogs, cats, pigs...and lots more very well trained animals!!). It was so amazing to see all of these animals perform choreographed shows!! Even more amazing the people that train them to do so!! Other then that, we just walked around and checked out the aquariams and other attractions at Sea World...was a great day!!
Today we have been shopping and sightseeing at Seaport Village and Hortans Plaza...lots of walking!! Just walked all the way to the town library to use the internet service and thought we could download our pics....but the computer won't accept memory sticks....sorry guys!! Hopefully we'll get these pics on real soon for you all to see....there are so many!!
Tomorrow we are off to Las Vegas for one night to leave on our 'Canyons of the West' tour the next day!!
Anways, had best go and check my email!
Miss you all
Hope all is well
Lots of love
LUCY xoxoxoxoxo
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