Date: 10th May 2011
Place: Koh Lanta
Weather: Overcast and windy
We didn't wake up until nearly midday today, even though we had had a nap and an early night the day before. I still felt stuffed when I woke up, and I had a little food baby too. When we had been at the pool for a little while though we decided to have a bit of breakfast thinking it might help with the bloated feeling; it didn't.
The other guys showed up then and we had a good session in the pool playing don't drop the ball for probably an hour and having doggy paddle races. You can tell it was a super interesting day and this trip is a lot of hard work!
Later on we had dinner, like normal, and then for some reason I just had a feeling sick moment so had to lie down…as you do. I felt fine after about 20 minutes though so went to find the rest of the guys on their balcony. They taught me how to play s***head, a card game, and Im going to write the rules down here so that I can remember when Im at home. That was basically all we did and all we could do all night. The island is empty and we went in low season!
Rules for s***head
Set up:
Three cards each face down and a card, face up, on top of each of them.
Three cards dealt to each person which they hold, and then they can swap any of the cards in their hand to make the three cards on the face up cards the best they can be.
The last winner goes first if you've played before. They put any card down they want from their hand to start it off. The next person in the circle then has to put a card down which is higher than the last card, if they cant do that they have to pick up the pile of cards. After each go of putting down cards the person has to pick up the same amount of cards that they put down from the pile left; if you more than one card with the same number you can put them all down.
Once all of the cards in the pile left over have run out you don't pick up from it any more. Once the cards in your hand have run out you use the cards face up on the table, once they have run out you use the cards face down but cant look at them. If you have to pick up from the pile and end up with cards in your hand again you have to use those until they are all gone and then can go back to the cards on the table.
The aim is to not be the last one to get rid of your cards because then you are the s***head.
Card meanings:
2: can go on anything no matter how high
3: can go on any card again but it reverses the direction of play
4: nothing special just the number
5: as above
6: as above
7: you choose if you want the next persons card to be higher or lower than 7
8: mirrors the card before onto the next person, so if the person before you puts a king and you put an 8 on it, the person after you has to beat a king. It can go on any card again.
9: nothing special just the number
10: burns the pack, if you put it down the pile gets put to the side and not used in the game again
Jack: Nothing special just the number
Queen: Nothing special just the number
King: as above
Ace: as above
If all 4 of the same number are put down in a row the pack is burnt like number 10.
- comments
Gran That game with the unmentionale name sounds pretty complicated to me.