Date: 18th July 2011
Place: Kota Kinabalu - Singapore
Weather: Sunny and hot
Had a bit of a lie in today after getting up so early for the past few days. I finally came across Carm when I was making some breakfast and we had a good catch up and she introduced me to the guys who had come up with her who she was diving with.
We went shopping to stock up on cheap food and bits before heading to Singapore. I bought sooooo many packets of noodles even though I really really don't want to keep on eating noodles but they are the cheapest thing to buy and easiest to carry around. I also managed to find myself some porridge in a little bag and loads of sachets of coffee which have powdered milk and sugar in the packet as well J.
I also finally got to pick up my diving licence so I can now officially go diving anywhere in the world if I just flash my card! Carms friends were also heading to Singapore on the same flight as us so we all took a taxi together from the hostel to the airport. Carm and I were stopped at security for trying to take our big bottles of water through that we had just bought. We went back out of security since there was no way I was going to chuck it away. I had to down it though which seemed like a waste anyway and then I got a belly ache because I was sooo full.
There wasn't all that much in the airport but we sat and had a sandwich and then spent the last of our ringgits on some pick and mix for the plane. It was a basic plane and I was sitting separately to Carm but we did both get window seats which was good.
When we got to Singapore airport we went through customs and then had to have our bags scanned. Well they found something in Carms that they weren't pleased about and asked to search her bag. They asked her if she had been to a shooting range and that's when it clicked that she had the bullet shell in her bag that they had given her as a souvenir. I was sooo glad id chucked mine away!
Well they found it after searching for ages through everything in her bag. They then took her to an office where they told us they had called the police because they need to take a statement! I left her to it because I wanted to go on the internet to sort some bits out so I had to go out of arrivals. When she finally came out she told me that they had asked her in great detail about herself like her bosses name and everything. I think they were surprised that she actually works for the police and asked her why she thought it was ok to bring ammunition into the country and would our country let us do it.
Whilst Carm was waiting to be questioned by the police she had called Ben to let him know we were going to be a bit late. He met us when we got off the train and we walked with him and his girlfriend to his apartment. We met his brother there as well who had just got home from work and he showed us how to get to Little India which is where we wanted to go for dinner.
It was easy to use the MRT (basically the tube) and we got to Little India really quickly. We had a feast of an Indian meal since it was our last night together and my last night in a semi cheap country. We ordered two curries to share between us, rice, naan bread and popadoms.
I wanted to see the Marina because it's where the nice hotels are and a really weird building that is famous in Singapore. It is basically three separate buildings which are joined together by a boat sitting across the top of them. Weird. We also saw the Fullerton Hotel which is really posh. It all looked really nice at night; the city is awesome so now I am definitely considering doing a year in university there.
When we left the Marina we decided to go and see the Raffles hotel which is super expensive. We could not find it anywhere though and decided to head back. We were in the station when we saw a sign pointing in its direction so decided to carry on looking for it since there were signs. It turned out we had been right next to it anyway. It looks really nice and so posh!
Once we had finished with my little tour of the city we head back to the apartment where everyone was going to bed. I was sleeping on a little mattress on the floor which was surprisingly comfy and nice because it felt really private by being surrounded by the sofa.
- comments
Gran What an ordeal for Carm at security... a silly oversight on her part! Lucky she wasn't strip-searched. Was surprised you didn't realise about the water, after all the international flights you'd done by now. Drinking it all in one go was quite a feat. When we stayed in Singapore, we could see the marina from our room at the "Conrad Centennial" hotel, close to Suntec City.