My last evening was just spent packing and using up the last of my internet allowance. I spoke to my mum for a while and went on the obvious website...Facebook! Everyone else that I had come up to Brisbane with had already flown out either to a different part of Australia or to a different country. It was just me, Rachelle and Lewis and they didnt have any money so we couldnt really go on a night out. We decided to find a load of water bottles and make some sort of ball to play bowling in the halls.
We did find the bottles just never got around to the playing part. We did make the effort to go out and get some pizza though since I needed to use up my Australian money. It was goood pizza! Once we got back up to the room the two other lads in there were playing card games. It was confusing because it was german so I think that is what had something to do with me sleep talking that night and saying 'what does that card mean'.
I had everything ready for the morning to begin my long journey back. I took everything out of the room to get ready so that I didnt wake everyone up and I thought I would straighten my hair again for once. Well that was a waste of time because it was really humid so by the time I had walked across the road to the train station it had gone nice and big and curly. I found the platform pretty easily at the train station which was nice and I was there pretty much at a good time.
Since I had loads of credit left on my phone I decided to give my mum a call. When I did though I knocked my carton of milk over so it spilt all over the floor "/ I told mum that's how she would know it was me on the phone...I havent changed a bit! I moved away from that area so that people wouldnt know it was me.
The train journey was really quick, only 25 minutes. I got to Brisbane airport and went to get my boarding pass and drop off my bag. Because I broke the pull out handle on the suitcase so it won't go down I had to put it in large baggage. I was quite happy that it was just about the right weight though. I had a little wonder around that airport but it wasnt long until I could board the plane so I just went to sit at the gate.
On the plane I managed to have two seats to myself which was nice, right next to the window. It was only a basic plane because the flight was only an hour long but I did get given a free cookie and coffee. Taking off out of Brisbane was soo bumpy though because of all the bad weather; apprently we had to fly around a thunderstorm. I read my book to distract me. The flight went soo quickly!!
Once I got to Sydney airport I had to get a transfer bus to the main international terminal. It was a really nice airport with quite a few shops, although they were all designer or Australian souvenirs. I had a little wonder around for a while and bought a mini didgeridoo and a returning boomerang as presents/souvenirs. I then went to get my final 50cent ice cream from McDonalds and went on the internet.
That's when I found out what I had left behind! The Brisbane river had burst its banks and a place 6 minutes down the road from where I had been staying had been evacuated! Everyone was saying there are flash floods everywhere there and they were closing off the bridges over the river! I cant believe how lucky I am to have gotten out of there when I did!!
I was one of the last ones to get onto the plane and the person sitting next to me was already there. He was reading his book and didnt look up once from it through the whole flight, apart from for food. It was a long journey and I got very restless by the end of it. The films were good though and I made sure I watched all of the ones that I had really wanted to see because the plan was to try and sleep away most of the next flight. If I can remember correctly the films I watched were Easy A, Eat Pray, Love, Shrek Forever After and then some TV programmes.
The food was great on the plane, I swear plane meals are getting better. I had chicken and veg which came with a little side salad and a carrot cake. Since that part of the journey was only 8 hours we didnt get two meals on it but instead were given a quiche near the end of it and then a chocolate bar and pack of love hearts. It was a really nice touch.
When we got off the plane in Hong Kong we were given a red sticker with a london bus on it if we were transferring to London. We then had to go through security again and wait to board like normal. After passing through security I went up the escalators to the toilets and then came out to look for my gate. It said 36 so I looked for the sign to point me in the right direction but it had a u-turn sign. I was a bit confused because that would mean I had to jump off a balcony! I saw some other people confused and asked them if they were looking for the london gate.
It turned out they were so I looked for it with them. They seemed to think we were going to gate 1 and said that 36 was for first class or something. It was a long walk throught he airport to gate 1 and when I got there it turned out they were on a different flight to me! They were flying with Cathay Pacific from Sydney to London where as I was with Virgin Atlantic! Why have two planes flying from the same place on the same day?! By the time I got back up to gate 36, which was right next to where I started, I only had about 20 minutes until I had to board again.
Dad had text me asking if I had webbed feet yet. I told him I had flown out of Brisbane but didnt tell him where to because I wanted to surprise him when I got home. I spent the rest of the time waiting on facebook and skyping mum. Then we had to board again and prepare for the long journey back which was going to be 13 hours! There was no one in the seat next to mine this time when I got on the plane and it was getting quite late with no one there still! I was excited thinking I would have two to myself but she showed up right at the last minute and I was gutted!
Even before we had taken off on this flight I was drifting off. As soon as we took of though I let myself go and didnt wake up until the food was being bought around. I think I slept for about 2 hours because once dinner was over I looked at how long we had left and it was 11 hours. After dinner though, which was chicken and potato wedges, I couldnt sleep properly again because I was really full. I tried for hours and probably drifted in and out of a very light sleep. I even tried putting things on TV so that I could drift off watching them. I think I must have fell asleep at one point without realising though as I put my head up and I was half way through a film that I hadnt been watching!
Breakfast was a welcome relief as I knew it was close to the end of the flight at that point. I had cheese omelette and baked beans :) yummy. For the last hour or so I didnt want to start watching a film so was doing random things like fill in a survey and playing sudoku. Sudoku is hard work when you are really tired! I was so excited when we were finally landing because I knew Mum and Lauren were so close now!!!
When we got off the plane and was walking to the arrivals gate I had a thought that I needed to get in front of as many people as possible so that I didnt have to queue behind them. As I was at the back of the plane I was already behind a fair few so I started power walking past everyone. i still had to queue for a while but it did go quite quickly. After that I did my normal trick of going to the toilet before going to get my bag as by the time Im finished sorting myself out people have normal got their bags and gone which makes it easier for me to get mine.
I dont think it worked the same this time as the belt was still full of bags but there was loads of room to grab mine still and it came around quickly. I then got to the part I had been sooo looking forward too; coming out of the arrivals door and finding my mum and Lauren :) I walked through and spotted them at the end before they spotted me; probably because I was so short behind other people. When I saw them I couldnt help but smile and I gave them the biggest hug ever; obviously the tears started again!! It was soo nice to be with them again.
We went to the car so I could put my jeans on they had brought me, I had travelled over from Australia in my shorts and strappy top! The journey home was lovely, it was just nice being in their company. We went straight home where I saw Neil as well when he got back from work. My first day consisted of seeing everyone again, Gran and Grandee and we were meant to see Auntie Nina and family but I was falling asleep at that point so we went home early. On the way back we popped into Dad's factory so that I could surprise him. Lauren walked in first and then he saw me behind her. His exact words were 'Holy Hells Bells'.
I went to bed at 5pm, it was a struggle to even stay up until then. I didnt even notice how comfy my bed was when I got into it because I just crashed out straight away. It is such a relief to be home after I know what I left behind, it's just such a shame that I didnt get to finish off my whole trip. I will do one day though I will make sure of it.
The past seven weeks have been the best of my life and I have discovered so much about myself, my confidence has grown unbelievably in myself, I never thought I could have done that especially alone! Yeh there were times away that I thought what the hell am I doing, but they were usually for a few hours every couple of weeks. The people I met were so great and I will never forget them, along with the memories we made together! They made my birthday the best I could have ever imagined and I dont think I will have one ever again that will live up to that. I'm not looking forward to my next adventure, whether it be in Asia as I am planning or some other far away place in the world! But now I will say bye to Australia, but see you soon!!!
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