Day 68 - Tues 6th Jan - Christchurch
Arrived in Christchurch about midday, had lunch with Rosan and some of the others from the bus, then did a bit of shopping as I needed to get a new mobile phone.
The one I had taken with me (which was an old one), had gone from working fine in Brazil, to not working at all in Argentina, to working ok in Auckland, to working ok in NZ but only if it was plugged in at the same time, to split in two pieces and now completely unusable.
So I managed to get a new phone, which sadly was a lot more expensive than I had been hoping, but at least it works.
I then headed back to Mary's house, where we just had a night in with a thai takeaway - and I have my own room again! woo hoo.
Day 69 - Weds 7th Jan - Christchurch
I went into work with Mary in the morning to use the computer and catch up on some boring adminy things like banking.
Afterwards I headed into the city to meet Rosan for lunch, then we bumped into Debbie (who I had been bumping into every couple of days since Greymouth). We then went for a punt along the river, in the shade, as it was a very hot day. Probably the first time since I arrvied in New Zealand that it was actually hot.
In the evening Mary and I had a bbq at her house, and unlike on Christmas day actually sat outside to eat it!!
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