Day 54 - Tues 23rd Dec - Ferry and Train from Wellington to Christchurch
Obviously another early start (aren't they always now), departing at 7am this time to head for the InterIslander ferry to the south island.
The ferry takes about 3.5 hours and the scenery is quite spectacular for most of the way (when its not just water!). Particularly as you go through the Marlborogh Sounds as you arrive in the South Island. Once we arrived in Picton I had a short wait for the Transcoastal train to take me to Christchurch. The view from the train was also great as I it literally runs right along the coastline for a large section of the journey.
I was heading to Christchruch to spend Christmas with Mary & Jon. Mary is an old friend of my mums who moved back to New Zealand about 10 years ago.
We pulled into Christchurch about 6.30pm and Mary was waiting at the station to meet me. Then we headed back to their house for the evening. It was so nice to stay in a house!!! And have my own room! And a nice shower! And a proper kitchen! Its amazing how quickly you miss the basic things in life.
Day 55 - Weds 24th Dec (Christmas eve) - Christchurch
Spent most of the day shopping with Mary in preparation for Christmas and getting the house. Just generally enjoying domestic life and not being in a hostel.
There was going to be quite a houseful tomorrow so the plan was to have a bbq (yah Xmas bbq in the sunshine!).
Day 56 - Thurs 25th Dec (Christmas day) - Christchurch
Rain. Typical!
There were quite a few people for Christmas dinner: Mary & Jon, Mary's uncle (who arrived the same day as me), her brother and mum, three of their friends and me. Luckily the rain cleared up a bit in the afternoon so we had the food cooked on the bbq and ate inside.
Day 57 - Fri 26th Dec (Boxing day) - Christchurch
I popped out with Mary in the morning to do a bit of shopping (practial stuff for me). Then in the afternoon we all went over to Mary's friends house (called Mary just to be confusing). Their house is in a beautiful location on the outskirts of the city but feels like its in the middle of the countryside (actually, they do have sheep in the garden). They had the house built themselves a few years ago and its a lovely design.
After that we had an evening back at the house and I was preparing for my departure the next day.
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