Day one...
So we departed Waitomo bright and early feeling fresh after our quiet night to head for Taupo, we signed up to skydive... I was so excited!! With the weather not being good and rain expected in Taupo that afternoon Lauren (our driver) put her footdown and we headed straight through to Taupo! By this time, we were loving the enthusiasm of Lauren and were starting to realise we were going to have a great time on this bus! We arrive at the jump site and Lauren randomly picked 10 people to jump there and then, unfortunately we were not picked! We then visited Haka Falls. It was mega, they were 11meteres and current was really rough. We then headed to base hostel to check in! Then the rain came :( there was no chance we were going to get to jump today, so we were reschedualed for 10am the next day!! So we headed to the irish bar accross the road and met some of the Irish guys off our bus, enjoyed a few drinks, trying to keep our sensible heads on knowing we couldn't be hungover for the next day!
Day 2!
Today was the day... we were so excited, we woke at 8am not being able to sleep with only 2 hours till our jump! The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky- we would definately be jumping today!! yeah!!! We arrived at Freefall, filled out all the esssential insurance forms, basically saying if we die we can't sue them..eeek!! Watched a safety video...I was buzzing with excitement and was very suprised how calm the girls were, although there palms had pools of sweat in! Choose our jump the highest of course, 15,000 feet approx 70 secs freefall, we got suited up and harnesses attached, we met our tandam masters and our camera guys...this was it!!! Then the three of us walked over to the runway and waited for what seemed like forever for the plane to arrive! It was tiny, no seat nothing just a shutter on one side where we all piled in practically sitting on each other! Steph was going last so she hopped in first, followed by Claire then I sat at the front right in front of the window as I was jumping first. I couldnt believe how calm I was, I guess I was breathtaken by the amazing views from the plane we took off, It took forever to get up to 15,000 ft, I had some fun with my camera girl and TM I told him to go crazy doing sumasaults etc out the plane, at about 10,000 ft, my guy put my oxygen mask on, a little scary! He began to tighten me up to him, frantically checking all my straps and asking if they were tight enough, the shutter opened, my camera girl climbed onto the side of the plane ready to film my departure, shuffled to the side of the plane all i rememeber doing was making sure i was looking at theat camera and laughing with excitement or fear, im not sure which! And 3,2,1 I was gone, the feeling was immense I cant describe it, each breath was a scream, a couldn't shut my mouth, I was flying, didn't feel like I was falling once, playing with my camera lady who was falling opposite me, filming everything, was the longest 70seconds of my life! The shute then opened with a feeling of relief, that was amazing the views were outstanding, I then got to have a go and steering the parachute, was kind of scary as at one point he let go completely, all i could think was if I let go of this were going to fall! Then the landing... very smoothe...legs feeling a little unsteady that was it!! We watched our dvd, very comical, we were buzzing, the most amazing thing I have ever done!
We then headed back to the hostel and went to play crazy golf with our Irish friends , 2 Paddys, T and John to keep us out of the pub for a little while! Then to the pub with the rest of our bus who had jumped that day! Needless to say with all the adrenalin pumping we did not have to spend much to get drunk that night!! We had a top night out, it was a great way to end our time in Taupo!!
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