Hello there...
Ok so I'm back home, it feels like i've never been away but sooo good to see everyone again!! I didn't get round to writing a blog in Christchurch but I think I have done so well to keep it updated throughout the trip so I will try and remember what we did!!
We arrived in Christchurch at another base backpackers, we were a little fed up of hostels by now so paid an extra couple of pounds to stay in the penthouse which had a kitchen and tv room between about 15 of us so wasnt too bad! Christchurch was meant to be the most english like city, there was a nice square with a cathedral and a Tram network. We were determined to shop till we drop in Christchurch however we were a little dissapointed with the city. There wasnt an awful lot to do or many shops! We jumped on numerous buses to out of town shopping centres which was quite fun! While we were here we did a bit of siteseeing, touring round the city on the tram, through some nice botanical gardens. We also had a few nights out, there were some nice cocktails bars and bars with live music which were very much enjoyed!
We said all our goodbyes here in C'church, was very emotional, we had made some very good friends over the last 6 weeks and spend pretty much every day with them all so had got to know each other really well! The majority of people were only spending a few days here before moving on but as we had so much time we had another week after everone had left. Luckily we got to know the drivers very well so Smiley one of the drivers had some time off so hired a car and took us on a radtrip out a NZ, was so good of himas we'd have been bored stiff otherwise! We went to a nice spa pool place with natural hot springs thats you could bathe in, was so relaxing! We had a little cottage for a couple of nights here. Then we went back to Westport for a night to catcg up with some of his friends and visit Lauren that was cool as we ddint think we were going to see her again!
We then headed back to C'church for our last few days there, it was Claire's birthday so we made plans for that, We went to a lonestar steakhouse restaurant, splashed out a little. Also bumped into the All Blacks Rugby captain, dont ask me his name but we were told it was him so we had our photo taken with him for evidence! :-) After our meal we headed to some nice cocktail bars for some drinks, a very sophisticated evening!
Our time was up, I think we were all ready to head home as we did have too long in here, with mixed emotions, very sad for our trip to be ending but also very excited to see eveyone at home! That morning we headed to the airport, with our first flight not being till the afternoon we visited the antartic centre next to the airport in the morning, that was cool. Experienced a Snow blizard in freezing temperatures! Had an ok journey home, all our flights being delayed a little, with a long wait in LA, however only arrived a few hours late in London to be greeted by some very excited family members with banners and tears!!
So there we go, I must say, an experience of a lifetime! I have the travel bug and will definately be continuing my travels, perhaps after sorting my career out, we'll see! :-)
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