Quite a big travel day today as we spent last evening crossing the Adriatic to arrive in Bari, Italy this morning. After some initial new country shock, we were able to get our bearings and catch a bus to Naples in the early afternoon. Wow, Naples! Organized chaos, without a doubt. Regardless, we had no trouble finding our hostel which is south of the central city in a safe area called Portici.
Ken Pyra, Edmonton's finest, you were in our thoughts tonight. Wood-fired, brick-oven pizza in Naples is without a doubt the best I have ever eaten. The jovial pizzeria men were even wearing Caputo flour t-shirts. Top notch all the way! And while we're thinking of people and food, and the people we like to share food with, tonight's photo will undoubtedly hit a soft spot with brother Andrew, who wouldn't dare walk by a gelateria without at least a look.
- comments
mom Looks amazing; i've had Ken's pizza an enjoyed it ealong with the wine paring. This must be second to none. Because Ken's was top notch. xoxo
Liz Loving it - looks and sounds like a culture shock! I'm only a tad I'm sure Andrew is re the gelato!
Nicole Knowing that I am undoubtedly one of the foodies in your thoughts, may I selfishly request that the Italian food pictures keep on coming. Better yet, pictures of you both enjoying the Italian food. If I were to ever make a bucket list, eating in Italy would be on it-so please nudge me along with more tempting photos and detailed descriptions.