Hey guys!!
ok so since my last blog here goes! well we spen the last few days in vietnam and had some funny experiences!we were in a park and we got told off for playing cards, think they thought we were massive gamblers with oh sooo much money!!and then they decided to turn the sprinklers on on us!!so thinking the must have thought we needed a wash!!
we then headed back to bangkok and met up with Perry and amanda (Chanel's uncle) and had a foot massage which was good, although felt sorry for he poor gal that was doing it!hehe then we got on the bus that night and headed down south, first stop ko samui! it was like paradise! although did get slightly bored there, not too much to do other than lie on beaches!
when then went to Koh Tao!it was amazing!!did my padi there (scuba diving) which was awesome and met some wicked ppl and ended up partying until the very ealry hours of the moving and getting slightly tipsey on the buckets of samsung! was bloody awesome! so was quite sad to leave there! but then moved onto ko phangan and have once again been partying hard!went to a pool party on the sun night which was mental and well good! there was some funny sights i tell u! then we decided to hire bikes yest, which was an experience having never rid one!it was ok until u got opn the roads where there is just dust and side so u are sliding everywhere!was pretty scary experience but is survived not too sure how!one of the gals we were with fell off tho and badly grazed her arm and knee!but after seeing everyone here i believe it is called the thailand scar cause practically everyone has fallin off!! we also got a taxi back the other day and it is well hilly around here and the car couldnt get up the hill so some ppl had o get out and psh the car!!was pretty funny!
Anyway it is the full moon party tonight, went down there yest and seemed pretty crazy so i think it is gona be mental tonight!!cant wait!! hope everyone is good and well update u soon with the outcomings of the full moon!!
love yas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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