Hi all!! ok so i have been very slack on the old blog, but have been soooo busy!! have managed to cram a lot into just over a week!!sop will tell u wats been occuring!! so arrived in Bangkok spent our first 3 nights there had many experiences in tuk tuks went to every temple, tat office and jewellery shop that exsisted!!they do that so they can get 3 gasoline, so went a long with it on the first day and only ahd to pay 44p all day!! awesome!!they are a little scary, he kept driving on the wrong side of the road, but hey i believe thats normal out here!!hehewent down ko san road which was good lots and ltos of ppl there!! hotel was nice as well!!we then moved onto kanchaburi went to tiger temple, had pics with me stroking the tigers was aweome little bit scary at times!but still in one piece!!we also went to a waterfall with 7 different levels which was cool had a nice relaxing wim at the top!!silly old me thought it would be a good idea to wear jelly shoes, didt quite realise wat a trek it was, so was slipping all over the place and finally resulted to falling over!!so have two bruised knees but no broken bones!!met some cool ppl there so hung out with them we slept on a floating house which was interesting andc ame with mice!had a nice mice running around the room, so i decided to stay on mouse watch so had little sleep!! :-) we then came up to chiang mai, have done a jungle trek which was aweome but very hard!!was like over 30 degrees and was climbing for ever so think i sweated out a years worth of sweat!!hehe ppl on it were awesome and were our tour guides!! we stayed in a tribal village the first night, reminded me a little of africa, was really cool and expeienced my first outdoor cold shower accompined with big ants!!:-) the next day set of on walks again and stayed at a waterfall, was lush to dive in there after it being soo hot again!! then next day we rode elephants and went bamboo rafting!!bamboo rafting was aweome, i managed to falll in twice and then had a fight with our tour guide who had straightened hair and got him wet!!last night we hit the nightlife with ppl from our trek was good, and maybe i got a wee tipsey!! then on the way home our tuk tuks decided to have a race, which was a wee bit scary we were going super fast!!it was hold on tight!! so next back to bangkok on the night train, which i must say i really good!! and then onto cambodia and vietnam then back to the south of thailand!! where i can laze around on more beaches and im going scubi diving!! ahh wat a life i lead!! ok well that it fo now will try and update again soon!!hope everyone is ok!!love you xxxxxxxxx
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