So we then caught the ferry over to Wellington and it wasn't choppy!!whoop!!So no sea sickness!! We also managed to watch Jeremy Kyle, it portrays British people in a very good light for over here!! We then met Tessa and went back to her mums house where we stayed for the first 3 nights. We had Fush n chups as well which were pretty …
Hi guys!!
Well as you all know im off travelling!! Or maybe i am travelling once you read this!!i will try my hardest to keep you updated as much as possible, if i get as little spare time between bungee jumping and skydiving etc :-)
i will start to updagte this once i leave on the 3rd feb!!so keep your eyes pealed!! and i presume you guys will be able to write messages on here!!
love you all!! xxxxxxxx
So we then caught the ferry over to Wellington and it wasn't choppy!!whoop!!So no sea sickness!! We also managed to watch Jeremy Kyle, it portrays British people in a very good light for…
Hey again guys!!!
Ok so now we are in Melbourne!! so our first day in Melbourne we took the tram into the city and then took the free tram around the city, although it kept going up and down t…
Hey guys!!
Ok so we arrived in New Zealand about 2pm and it was cold!!! We checked into our hostel and then we took a trip to find a supermarket and to try to find a phone box! we had lots off…
hey guys!!
Ok so we left Sydney and took a 3 day trip down to Melbourne! We got up at 6.30 am and it was peeing it down with rain and was cold not nice!! everyone got up to wave us off though …
Hey guys!!Ok so it has been a while since i last wrote on this so i will have to try and remember everything!!Ok so here goes.......We eventually made it out of Byron Bay and took the two day …
*pictures!! haha not my best typing ever!! x x x
Helen Page
Come on, you've been away nearly a week and you havent written on your blog yet, thats terrible!! We've got about 3 to write!! Glad all went well with flight and your there safe and sound, update this place please so we can see your side of the world! Hope your both having a fab time xx