Hello all!
Ok so since i last wrote on here it has been another few hectic days! So we left Chiang Mai and got the overnight train to Bangkok it was freezing, for once over here!the air conditioning was way to strong was curled up in a little ball! so we got off the train and then straight onto the minibus to Cambodia!
We arrived at the border and it was sooo hot and we had to walk across with our bags and it was a bit of a farce to be honest, they dragged it out and conned some ppl, so not soo much of a pleasent experience!we then got on a different bus which had rubbish air conditiong and nice leather seats, so was sticking to them!so lush! We went on a crazy road (well not too sure i u can cll it that) more like a track!and the amount of times i feared for my life was uncountable!but we managed to arrive in one piece! they took us to this guest house but was meant to be dropping us off in the centre!basically they get comission if ppl stay there, so everyone on the bus didnt was well funny we were having massive arguments with the tour guide! so 8 of us got tuk tuks to this other hostel and crashed there! had an awesome next few days, there was a pub street that came in good use!:-) we also sat by this river and saw crazy things first we heard squaking and realised two alive pigs had been attached to the back of a truck alive!then there was this man sitting on the bench next to us singing for like an hour and making hand movements and then this little kid walked by with shoes that quacked they were awesome!
The next day we went to Angkor Wat!we thought it would be a good idea to walk there, it took us 3 hours and was clearly nthe hottest day that we have been here!so i nearly died and had too look cool by putting my umbrella up! later on we went out with the peeps had a few drinks, watched some crazy dancing! was a cool night! and then the following day we left for vietnam!once again feeling physically sick and the very hairy driving out here!was soo glad to arrive in one peice again!! xxxxxxxxxx
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