hey girls feelin a little lost its 7 oclock here and jas an i are tryin to make our mind up of what to eat. Pete and hoppy have gone to see her dance performance. hope you get the chance to update us soon dyin to know your thoughts on bankok and what your plans are for the next couple of days. love you mumi xxx
hey both expect you'll be asleep now get up and write your blog. well hows the life of luxury, dont get to used to it cause its not going to be all sweet smellin toilet papier, je suis manchant au'jord hui (whos farted boys ;) ) anyway tout a la fruit, je ma fleep floop. gros bissous mwah mwah mwah love you darlin (call me edna mord) :D love thee xxxxxxxxxxxx
hey both! twas so hard leavin you yday, but i kno i'll see you soon in austrailia :D yeh boy!i forgot to pack your easter eggs :( how gay! anway have fun in bangkok :D yay loves you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx more than ever xxxxxxxxxxx miss you soo much lohly
Hi girls just heard that you,ve arrived safely at the 1st destination so I suspecct you're enjoying the first hours in Bangkok. It will be great when we get your'e blog and let us all know the events and experiences. Dan and Matt are over 2morrow so will use up the rest of the Airport film we bought and try to send the photos to you love to you both x
Deb And Pete
Hi Girls, Well you'll still be in the air right now, hope the flight is good. Still can't believe you've gone, after all the months of preparing. I know you're gonna have a fab time, missing you already. Enjoy your first sights of Bangkok, speak soon love you loads
x x x
Heya chicks, Wow im first to leave you a message! :D! Just got back from the airport and it was sooo sad to say goodbye, but well excting as I know your gonna have the times of your lives! Anywayz love you both and already missing you... I keep telling myself youll be back before I know it... but I guess thats me being selfish! :)! Lol! Im sorting out some huuuuuuuuge welcome home baners! Lovez you xxx