What a shame your comp crashed as you had just finished blog. You'll be home beforw you get to write your next one!!
Have fun in Fiji and Hawai love & hugs
Hey gang!
Sorry i havent updated in a while, in new zealand get in contact with the human race isnt easy. anyway spent and wasted a fair bit of time and money on writing a very long blog yesterday just for this site to crash as i pressed save. so am not very happy. if i get past the anger i may try and retype it but for now im off for a shower!
i hope you are all well and missin everyone lots!
love and cuddles!!! xxxx
Chris And Sara
Hi Lol
Glad you had a great time in Aus. Just had a mail from Dad and he seems like, well real buzzing. Whats with the spiders and snakes though!!!!! Have a great time travelling again. All our love, Chris Sara and Will.
Heya babes... missing you alot right now! :(! Cant wait to see you with all the banners lol! Trying to find a job and its just not easy! Wondering will I ever get to oz!?! Hope everythings ok and you taking care of yourself! Love ya xxx
hi lolly, great time in Cairns, sooooooooo looking forward to seein you next week, cant believe how long its been since i saw my little girl!!!!!!!!
Hey, girl! Okay, this is my 1st official blog ever. Who better to share it with? I would ask how you're doing, but clearly you're having an AWESOME time. Just thinking of you from all the way over here in the U.S. Will be expecting a lengthy slide show with complete narration next time I'm in Wales... Miss you lots! Love, K
Hi Lohl good luck for your flight to Cairns. Have fun. I'll talk to you online. Love you millions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Heya babes, just got your postcard :D! Nice to think you were thinking of me! Went to a pizza restaurant last night and the food was soooo tasty but I ate whey to much lol! Hope your job is going good and your still enjoying yourself! Love you loads xxxx
Hi Lohl
Good luck in your new job on Sat. Hope all goes well and you don't finish too late at night.
Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Lolly, cant wait to see you in Aus, Josh birthday this week so havin bbq with family Wiz. Love you millions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Haydn Cathryn & Co.
Hi Lohli! Our first blog 4 ages - just spoken to yr dad - (u'r back in Bris. to do some worky bits?) - he's so excited about coming to see you! We've been busy folk - enjoying some lovely sun - and of course a fab night last week with Beyonce!!!! Claudine is coming over for a couple of weeks on Thursday and nan is staying over with us on Saturday - all go! Love u loads. U. H.xxxxxxxxx
James, Hel, James And Leigha
Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday dear Lauren Happy Birthday to you.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sounds better in a text!!!!!!!!) Know you are having a wicked time with mum. Enjoy!!!!! xxxxxxxxx