Hi lol and Til. Glad to see your both enjoying yourselves. Hope all is OK and you haven't spent all your money!!!!! Post some pics for us to see. Love from all.
Hi Lolly, great to speak on webcam. How about some pics on your blog. Love you xxxxxxxxxxxx
Haydn Cathryn & Co.
Hi Lol n Til - "Happy Easter" - we've been talking about you lots over the week-end; we had such a fab time in Oz last summer. U'll have to wait til August for your egg! Have fun - loads of love, UH, C, L, I n A.xxxxxxxxxxxx
Heya babe, can't wait to hear all about oz! Youll have such a fab time! I have sooooo much to tell you Ill email you in abit! Much love xxx
Hey!! It's great to here about wat ur up to - sounds like ur having a fab time thanks for ur text this morning at 5am Lohl!! lol Had my bday party for my mates on wednesday - it was fab :D We've sold our house now and are moving to a cottage in Monkswood - it's gorgeous - and we're getting ducks!!! lol Looking forward to hearing about Oz
Loadsa love Carla xxxxxx
Deb And Jess
Hi Lohl and Tilly-Jess is here at Pete's she says 'Hello' She's not very well, Jas has been looking after her today. Hope your day went well and you managed to see a show. Off on your travels tomorrow, email when you can with an update on Sydney.
thought this looked like a duck! so sent it to you both for easter.x
Here have one each x
this is cool it's italic.
you shoul dbe able to change colour
this must be important it's underlined!!!!!!!!
Take care both
love you have fun x x x
great blog lohl,whats the chance of some pics so we can see ur sun tan. what a magic holiday!!!!!!!!!! love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Full body massages, speed boats and fit surfer dudes... sounds like an ideal holiday girls... hit the jackpot I feel hee hee! Im sure you looked just grand jumping into the water... Real tourist like and it looks like your getting loadsa memories and shizzle! Just can't wait to see the pictures! Missing you take are love you... leigh says hi! xxxx
hey girlys, shame about tillys blog post :( how you gettin on, sounds like loadsa fun (the surfer doode was french and you didnt get his number for me, how rude!!! FRENCH) anyway sendin love to you both (and the french guys ;) ) love love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am now an msn convert except I cant keep track when too many people are on line,great hol lohl, wish we were there!!!!!! love you xxxxxxx
hey guys, thanks for all your messages, i love coming online and reading them all when i can. makes me feel not so far away! am very impressed with your message gramps! speak to you all soon, love and hugs xxxxxxx
Never a dull moment with you guys huh... lol! Sorry to here about tillys phone! Hope shes ok! And you missy... DRINK LOTS you plebble! :) Sounds like a wonderful little place, I was reading it and thought I might get a few bags together take out a loan and come meet you ha ha ha! I wish! Its lovely to hear all the wiked things your doing so keep bloging! Just about to do all my homework, so I think that were both doing things we just love hee hee! Anyway I better go! Take care of each other, went to ring you the other day and then remembered... was sad! Love you both and missing you lots xxxx