hey all thank you so much for all the messages, missin you guys loads its great to here from u. will be back online soon. love you all xxx
Great to read you blog, glad to here your getting out and exploring even though you must be exhausted! gutted I can't be sharing this wicked experience! It all sounds so nice, battering and the nice places your visiting... I hope your taking loads of pictures so I can have a look when you get home! Miss you and take care love you xxx
Nanny Dad Jas And Gramps
Nanny checkin in,love you lohl and tilly, enjoy yourself, waiting to see your new information. Gramps checking in,played golf today, dad and jas here fot tea at the moment love you.Dad checkin in, *twitching his eyebrows* howa the sleeping, got accustomed speak soon, love you lots x. Jas checkin in, howdy y'all how you doin? hope you are both well, love you xxxxxxxx mwah
Milly And Sara
Hi both. Great blog. Just amazing for you both. Really impressed with the typing Lol. Have a great time and enjoy Bali. Love to you both, from a cold damp grey England.
The Clang
Mumi Danielle Pete minind Fran Matt Tod we all say hi xxx love from jas and mum
Jas And Mumi
great to read your blog, it's lovely to know what your up to. Been to see alex in the congress, was amazing, mum off to near heathrow airport tomorrow on a JUICING (haha saddo) seminar with auntie sue. clocks go forward tonight so miss an hour sleep :( off to big eyeball as usual, hope you enjoyed the palace, we need lotsa details and pickies. night night (even though your already in bed) us two xxxxxxxxxxxxx love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dad Again
Hey lol, great to talk to you earlier, obviously got my first message here wrong. You said ur flight to BK was horrendous, what went wrong. Have fun!!! love u millions, say hi to Tilly Daddy xxxxxxxx
Heya girlies, well still no blog but im wondering if you can get hold of the net yet and your probably whey to busy to get on here with it being the first couple of days and all! Hope your having a really fantastic time and keep us updated! Love you xxx
Daddy And Minind
hey lohl and til cant wait to see your first blog. tatty told me yday that you will absolutely love bali fantastic chill place. Tell us about the imperial palace loves you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey both, glad to hear uv got to Bangkok safely hope ur having a fab time!! U need to start writing ur blog - we're all dying to find out wat ur up to!! :) xxxxxxxxx
Nip Jo Toby Ollie
Hi both hope all went well and you have settled into your travelling mode. keep us updated with photo's love from us all