This is 3rd.time of trying to send message. Now doing it under Jaz's instruction so should get it.
Great to know you are Ok and having wonderful time.
Take care.
Namn &Gramps6
Jas N Clem
Hey m'lover (clem says hi) lol sounds absolutly slush! Lauren are any of your bikini tops secure?! i think not after the palava of cyprus last year haha! lol trust you 2 get a man tryin to carry you to your room, your sucha drama queen! anymay love love mwah mwah minind and clem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx oh btw i went to evolution last night and i am deaf in my left ear hahahaha lol love love
Deb And Pete
Hi Lol and Tilly
Its sounds like your having a fab time in your own little paradise, hotel sounds like it's worth a visit in the future. Sorry to hear you lost your phone Tilly, I hope your trip to the island went well. Lauren You need to drink lots of water(mum nagging!!!!) spent yesterday 3 x trips to the tip. So you can see we're living it up while your away. Only 4 weeks to our next mini break in Cornwall though, not that i'm counting. Keep updating your blog, it's great to know what you up to. Love you lots x x x x
Tom An Adam (Said In Welsh Accent) :p
hellooooo there, sounds delightful me an adam r sat here an its about to rain...we we thought we'd see how you are....? thnx to fran for my mention of th hair which is adam is now we're amsin ourselves in ur absense...kinda pointless message
tom an ad
Chris And Sara
Hi to you both. Glad you had a great time in Bangkok. Singapore and now Bali. Lucky lucky girls. Hope the sun and sand match the sea and you have a fab few days before more travelling. Gosh , are we jealous? Yeah. Have a great time. Take care. Milly, sara and the fellas
Hey Lol,great to speak yesterday, glad to hear you ae so well and getting the hang of international travel.Post some pics as soon as you can! LUMU Daddy xxxxxxxxxx
Sounds like quite an eventful day... I hear you sucesfully got to bali in one piece after a few hours in singapore! Everything sounds pretty wicked so far and I hear your cheap hotel is worth the money! lol! Im getting updated from mummy mayo every day which is great! :)! Died Toms hair bleach blonde today.... looks interesting! Lol! Nah its cool! Anyway missing you both but glad to hear you havent had to use those emergency things the doctors gave you incase of rabies or what not! Lol! Love you xxx
Howdy boyfriends one and two! how you both doing? hope your having fun now in bali lucky b*****, whilst i'm revising for my exams (well im not but you dont kno that so you'll feel bad!) :D anyway love love boyfriend eins und drei oh no sorry you didnt do germish dumbass one and two. Love you both xxxxx
Haydn N Cathryn N Co!
Hi lohli!!! Great to read your blogs - sounds such a fab place. Your dosh is arriving in your account for that special handbag! Cathryn says aren't the silks beautiful? We're all thinking of you - enjoy bikini Bali - and here are the details for Lynda Clive, Geraint and Rhys in Sydney.........62 Carrington Rd., Wahroonga, Sydney 2076. email [email protected] - tel - 0061299430320. Catch you soon, Luv U H, C, L, I n A.xxxxx
hope your havin fun sounds like it. It's so wierd to imagine you two there whilst i'm back at home doin the norm, i have to keep tellin myself where you are! dad wants you to know that your next flight is takin you over the equator. have fun love you xxxxxxxxxx
hi lohli-Great to speak to you this morning, (well afternoon for you) just having lunch at my desk, it's hard to imagine hot weather, it's cold today here. Enjoy your last day in Bangkok by the pool. Hope you have good flight to Bali and stay in Singapore airport. Say hi to Tilly. Love you xxxxxxx
Hey Lohl - so brill to read up on what you've been up to so far - sounds brill. Description of journey to palace was particularly evokative - quite an eye-opener I'm sure! Survived Center Parcs - only a few bruises to show for my troubles - was bloody freezing though so don't you dare complain about being too hot - I'm so envious! Looking forward to your next installment! Lots of love. xxxxx