I decided to do a bit of posh as I am in the area of the big hotels so have popped into the Mandarin Oriental to have lunch and a drink. I was going to do afternoon tea, but it's a really hot and humid today so just fancied a salad and very delicious it was too. The dress code is no flip flops but I spotted a couple of people in them, so just walked in confidently. I will pay more for this lunch than I have the rest of my food in Bangkok so far but it's all about different experiences and it makes a change people spotting the rich rather than the backpacker hippy types - but people spotting is great regardless of where you are.
Yesterday I really enjoyed my cooking class - see pictures. The chef was great and I sat next to an American 'natural' chef who was over for a month with her husband who was at medical school spending time in a local hospital, so she was doing lots of cooking classes. We all went to the market first -hidden away in dirty, dark back alleys with cats everywhere among the produce. It was fascinating to see the huge array of fruit and veg that you just don't see even in the Asian markets at home and learning about the different types and how to use them was brilliant (the mosquitoes enjoyed tucking into me too). However the weirdest juxtaposition was a man with a blow torch and fag hanging out his mouth, singeing pigs trotters right next to a hair salon with ladies sat under old fashioned 50s dryers , all just off a dark alley - wish I'd taken a picture as hard to describe, but the man didn't look too friendly and I couldn't have done it subtly. The 7 recipes we cooked throughout the day tasted great and were quite simple as long as you have the ingredients and equipment- so not guaranteeing I will be able to replicate them.
This afternoon after more queuing at the Myanmar (Burma) embassy I picked up my passport and got my visa no problems so all set and my purpose for coming to Bangkok is complete. There is only an hour slot for visa pick ups so very busy but also efficient - just took 30 mins with many of he same faces who were there on Tuesday and we greeted each other like old friends. There was no point heading back to the hotel, so I killed some time by wandering around for a few hours. I found the big park, Lumpini and joined the runners and walkers round the track (well only by default as I was looking for an old fashioned park bench to sit and cool down). Then took cool relief again on the Skytrain. Ironic that a train/tube as crowded as it is on a Friday afternoon is lovely and air conditioned unlike the London tube and train delight. Walked around a couple of shopping malls to get a feel for the more developed side of Bangkok - absolutely bursting with school kids in their prim but at the same time trendy uniforms. I'm now sat in Oskar's bar - in a trendy end of town full of expats whi have had a few, who I suspect have spent most of Friday afternoon here. They are all drinking Mojito's so I thought I better have one too. I'm early to meet my friend and old colleague Toby who lives here, so have come to this bar down the road from where we are meeting up.
I also appreciate that for all my loyal readers (hello Mum), this has evolved from being my diary to now being my comfort blanket and friend when I'm alone eating or drinking and it's no place for my kindle. So no doubt I'm starting to waffle even more.
Dinner with Toby and Michelle was lovely. We met in Cheap Charlie's - just a shack with seats outside, but THE place to go, then onto a NZ fish and chips place, Toby said I'd appreciate it as in Burma there would be no choice other than Asian food. And it was scrumptious. Finally a drink in a bar high up on the roof- very cool. Michelle and Toby are enjoying life in Bangkok. Penthouse apartment, help with all the cooking, cleaning and kids and Toby has a driver (he's MD of a retail chain in Thailand so doing well!). So a great lifestyle. His driver helped me get a taxi back. Due to the traffic even at 11pm, the first few taxis didnt want to take me (and you are supposed to insist they use the meter) but I agreed with one a flat price price of £3 for which would cost at least £35 in London! So I tipped him an extra pound as he found the hotel and insisted in dropping me off right outside.
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