little jen on a mission
well, interview eysterday went well, but there are a few applying for the job so most lickly one will be onlder with moreexperience and who can stay longer.
con't remember what ive told you and what not. hmmm, well i'm now concentrating on housekeeping at hotels as i have no experience in coffe shops and they all want that! (how, may i ask are you supposed to get experience in the first place?)
anyhoo due to my cleaning job way back when i can now say that i have experience is brilliant! am going round 6 more hotels this afternoon to fill in application forms.
life at hostel is good, we're getting to know our fellow travellers better and have managed to watch lots of films. was slightly surreal when watching bridget jones 2 with a bunch of 6 blokes (us not being the ones who had rented it out)
thanks to annabels bountious chocolate we had chocolate bannana a few days ago (yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum)
any way have run out of time as per usual so had better say toodlepip!
All God's Love to all of you,
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