well, today, being as it was a sunday, emma and i went to church! we went to the anglican catherdral in the middle of cathedral square. its about the same size as a large parish church in bath. servive was surprisingly similar. they had the peace and the same sor of prayers, though we only knew the tune to one of the hyms. the lords prayer was chanted in maori. and there was translations into maori in the service sheet. afterwards we went nd got a cup of tea. em drank tea!!! true it was milky with a lot of sugar, but i'll make a tea drinker out of her yet. anyway we got chatting to these two ladies who were very nice friendly. afterwards we sat out in the square and waited for an annabel who we weren't sure was going to turn up as she had been half asleep when we left and it was dubious weather or not she wold remember anything we told her. whilst we waited we watched an ausi street performer. very good.
bella did not turn up so we ate our sandwiches and wandered off in search of her. we went into the tourist info place and got stuff on punting and found an advert for a long saty hostel called kiwi house (more on that later). we went to a market in the arts center opposite the hostel and found a restaurant to take bella to that evening. eventualy we got back and found notes on our beds saying meet you at 2. it was 2 and she arrived with chocolate for us both. :)
that afternoon we went punting on the river avon and eyed up the local duck population for our tea.
we got back and watched a film called 'death to smootchy'. very very good. has robbin williams in and isn't half so bad as the tittle makes out.
that evening we took bella to dux de lux a vegie and fish food resturant. i had a fish curry. yum yum yum.
bella had brought her big rucsac with her, wich puzzled emma and i until she delved into it and produced a pinapple! (called annabel)
she also bought us banoffe pie cadburys chocolate and three wishes chocolate. we are eating one peice a day each and it should last us about a month and a half.
after wards we donned hats and jumpers and went for a stroll about town.
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