Well i wouldn't be writing so early seen as i only wrote one was it yesterday? But I have to use my hour up!!
Yesterday, i lazed around my hostel all day and did b***** all! It was really cloudy and rained for the first time! It was still warm outside tho. I got talking to my roomie who was really nice she was from Birmingham so we had a good old chat and then decded as we'd seen all the coral reefs it had put us in the mood for a bit of finding Nemo! so i cooked me dinner (becoming very domesticated mother!) dare i say i had to be told how to light the cooker?! Then just before nemos dad and dory meet the Turtles i fell asleep! I could feel my eyes going and then before i knew it dory had meet Nemo! The rudeness!
Anyway I missed my greyhound this morning so i went to the beach. I swear i saw a whale or a shark bobbing around in the ocean not too far away so I didn't dare go in the sea for long.
I met this I'm sure she wasn't but crazy woman while i waited for try two of the greyhound. She said she was going to her sisters to get away from all these men that were chasing after her. She looked like a really bad version of stiflers mum. But not hot if some of you think she is! Then she started saying i should watch it for crocodiles.
Ok so my bus trip wasn't too bad, but the part where i had to get to my hostel from the transit stop was a bit of a nightmare. I had to get a train. Then i was given some really bad directions so i was walking aimlessly up and down this road with my backpack and two bags. I must have walked up the same road three times. (it was a long road!) Then i text a few few random people to find out how far 150 metres was (I was never good with metres) Only one person replied. Good old reliable Lee! My saviour!
Anyway that didn't really help so i went back to the train station and called the hostel and they came to pick me up! (Which to be honest was more like it!!!)
The rooms arent very nice but the people are all really friendly and the bar is cool! I've already found a drinking partner!
I'm off to bed in a min as I wanna see about going to the Steve Erwin Zoo tomorrow.
Night night People! xxxx
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