Day 59 - 7th Mar - up early to get the coach again, again going up north to Coffs Harbour. The coach journey was about 7 hours, the hostel we were at was really nice, really like the one in San Diego. It was full of really nice chilled out people, so that night we went bowling with a group of them. It was pretty funny, I actually did well got 102 at the end quite proud! The bowling alley was full of a really weird mix of people, their was obviously us a group of backpackers, a couple of families and a group of wasted 15 year olds who were in fancy dress! After bowling we headed to a bar for a couple of drinks, the bar was really nice as had an open roofless square in the middle so you could see the stars, apart from the fact it was full of weird locals. Stayed for a couple then headed to the only club, which again was full of weird locals, but still had a good night.
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