Loving the sky dive pictures- it looks absolutely brilliant! Hope you are having a fab time!
Mark, once again, is never drinking again following a drunk night to Bradford, what an uncle!
We miss you and looking forward to your safe return! Big it up!xxxx
Jen and Jess xxx
Mum & Dad
hi Honey
Blogs a bit thin on the ground or are they still in the air with the sky dive.Have been checking out Daniela's and Vicky's site to check out what you are doing . Take care and love you
Mum and Dad xxx
Hey chick,
Although I have been reading your blog religiously have only just discovered that you can comment on here, hence me only sending you messages on Facebook.
Have been checking out Daniela's pics and looks so great, very jealous of you (mis)adventures! However, think the mum in me is starting to creep out as have been worrying about you guys from time to time - oh and well done on sleeping with the mice - i'd be hopeless!
Getting a bit sick of people telling me how fat i am - unless i ask for your opinion then people really need to learn to keep their cake hole shut. Discovered baby bigger than expected - hopefully means could come early rather than having a big baby - ouch!!
Take care Lis
Love you lots
Jenny Archer
Hey Lisa,
Your travels sound superb, Fiji (despite the cyclone!) sounds lovely, so good that everyone is so friendly! You are missing out on some lovely windy weather here and I am sure there is lots of wintery rain to come! Rock and roll!
Jessie is confused by your absence and hopeful that you will return soon to go to the park and play with that delightful tennis ball!
Mark is living it up and suprisingly 'never drinknig again' following a rather boozey work night! I on the other hand am living the dream and going to paretns evenings till 8pm, hurrah!
Hope you are still enjoying yourself and being very safe! Try to avoid anymore countries prone to extreme weather conditions!
Thanks for your msg on facebook, sent it round to your famillia!
Have more adventures and will speak soon!
Take care, Jen and Jess
Lisa my dear, when you get to queenstown go to Ferg Brger, I assure you it will be the best bit of beef you'll ever have between 2 slices of bread!!
glad to hear you all ok, im still out in Andorra, less than 2 months to do, thank god Lisa sky dive in Taupo, its the cheapest place to do it xxxxx
Jenny Archer
Hey little lady!
How are things? Sounds like you are having a superb time! So envious! It is tipping it down with rain here and completely wild and windy! Where are you off to next?
Hope you are enjoying yourself big time and living it up! Speak soon and have a wicked one!
Love Jenny xxx
Chris Harrison
Hi Lisa
We have finally tracked you down via Vicky's blog, why didn't you tell us. I will get the girls to show me how to use Facebook, so there will be no escape.
Have spoken to Michael's mum and she said that you had an enjoyable evening at the Sushi bar and that you may have had headaches the next day due to Saki (nothing changes, that is my girl). We understand that you due to meet up again over the weekend.
Another travel sim card arrived today for you from the same company, probably a different number.