Now is as good a time as any to write another London blog! Last night we stayed in and checked out the hostel... They had a cinema room in the common room, so we watched part of Chicago with some strangers, then picked out new books from the book exchange shelf. I picked an English book called "Our Dancing Days" while we also grabbed an old trashy novel to laugh at tonight.
Tonight is our last night in the UK and we couldn't be more excited! It's been fun, but I'm done with London. We also again have no place to sleep... So were waiting it out in the train station. Our Chunnel to France leaves at 620am, it's currently 1130pm. I have 2 books and a dying iPod. The outlets here are turned off, so we cant even charge anything which kinda blows.
Earlier today we checked out early to come to the train station to store our luggage for the day, and wound our way through London to get to Hampton Court, which was gorgeous. We spent a good majority of the day there, walking through the gardens. God, we've had an awkwardly romantic time together here. We've officially eaten ice cream in front of the Thames together twice... Taken super cute pics together. I guess it is our 10 year friendship anniversary.
I really miss some of the friends we've made throughout the countries. It saddens me to think I'll never see them again, even though we have great memories. We have 16 more days abroad, and I wish it was more :(
The Netherlands tomorrow for two nights, then onward to France! We have a real hotel just outside of Paris :) so excited for better showers, better pillows, and not sharing my room with 20 other people!
Our room last night was... Well... Nasty. There was a younger couple in there, their friend, us, and 3 other people. A drunkard came in and was stumbling everywhere, making strange noises... Everyone but the couple was in bed decently early... They stumbled in pretty late, argued for a bit, then made up... Really really made up. Ugh.
In Amsterdam we have great housing as well, a 2 bed cabin on the lake :) and it's supposed to be great weather!! Very happy about that... Maybe I'll tan a bit? This pale Irish skin isn't doing well...
Sentimental blog post, huh? 6.5 hours until liftoff! And by liftoff I surely mean under water train... Creepy.
Picture count: 876
- comments
Da Papa "We have a real hotel just outside of Paris :) so excited for better showers, better pillows, and not sharing my room with 20 other people!" Gee thanks daddy!