That night, I got an early night as the previous night had been quite a late one so a few of us just chilled out in the room which was nice. In the morning I woke up and just went on the Internet briefly, had some lunch and then met up with the Canadians and another girl to get the bus. There was quite a big group of us on that one and a few familiar faces but some were getting off at Surfer's Paradise whereas we were going straight to Byron Bay. Anyway, it rained!! We got there and it was raining a bit but not too bad. We went for a $6 meal at a bar over the road from the hostel called Cheeky Monkey's. The hostel was called Holiday Village and was quite nice, we actually didn't have bunk beds but the bathrooms were quite far away from the room which was a bit annoying. Anyway, we played cards, drank some goon, went to the park to drink more goon when they kicked us out at 10.30. One of the guys had a bad effect to the goon (2nd time it had happened) and proceeded to fall off the bench we were sitting on. He got back up (with help) and fell straight back off again. We took him home and then headed out to one other bar before calling it a night.
In the morning, we woke up quite late but it was actually raining so there wasn't masses to do. We spent most of the day sitting outside playing cards and cooking dinner etc. We made steak wraps which were nice and just chilled out. We met 3 of the girls who had been at the cattle station with us which was nice and all agreed (perhaps stupidly?!) to get up to see the sunrise at 6am! Anyway, we did so. It was a bit cloudy but it was worth it to say we've seen a sunrise in Australia. Then we came back and went back to bed!
I got up, found the girls and then headed to the beach. Me and one girl rented a bodyboard and did some bodyboarding which was really good fun. Got me in the mood for surfing, however, surfing is much harder, ha! Anyway, the others joined us on the beach, then we went back to make some lunch and then watched a naked bicycle ride!! Random and it was pretty much just old wrinkly men but quite entertaining!
We went back to the beach until the sun started to go in and then made some kangaroo wraps. Actually quite tasty, I felt a bit bad eating a kangaroo when they're so cute but felt I had to try it. We got an early night that night because we had an 8am bus to Surf Camp the next day. I really liked Byron Bay though, there were some nice shops (I resisted due to cash restraints) and a lovely beach. I could see myself living there, ha!
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