After recovering in Lombok for a couple of days Owen and I ventured West to Java. We jumped on a ferry that took us back to Bali. From there we bused across Bali all the way to Bromo. This took approx 18 hours and with no where to stay at the other end it is pretty safe to say that we winged it. In fact, we did not book anywhere to stay in Java the whole time we were there. Just arrived with our big backpacks to try and find a place. I think I am slowly getting better at this travelling thing. At first, I totally needed to know I would have a bed ready but now not so much.
We arrived in Bromo to look at the sunrise over the Mountain (we caught a jeep up the mountain this time!) The scenery was beautiful but the other thousand people looking at the same site wasnt so cool. Bromo villiage itself was worth seeing. Situated high in the mountains surrounded by scenic sites was well worth the trip.
After Bromo we decided to travel to Malang with an American couple. Malang was not as touristy as the other places that we have visited and truely was a breath of fresh air. The streets were clean and tidy, the people were nice and there were no hawkers. Once again we hired scooters and found tiny villages with markets. We eat off the street stores and got lost several times.
Next we travelled to Yogyakarta. Jogya, as the locals call it is famous for the temples Borobudur and Prambanan. We hired a scooter and drove out to Prambanan first. This hindu temple was built in 900AD and the archietecture is amazing. It really blows your mind all the carvings that are all it. It would have taken decades!! Borobudar is the more popular temple of the two. This Buddist temple lives up to it reputation. The carvings tell a story. I dont know what this story is as we were to tight to hire a guide haha but they are awesome and truely worth the trip.
We decided to skip Jakarta and fly direct to Singapore from Jogya because every traveller we have spoken to said that Jakarta was not worth the visit.
- comments
Evie The Buddhist temples sounds awesome and you couldn't figure out the story? Where did your learning of that Buddhism paper we did go lol can't wait to see photos love me