Wow! Bail where to begin..
We arrived in Bali at 10.30pm after a 15 hour journey. As you can imagine we were pretty tired and just wanted to find our bags and get to where we were staying. At the airport a local with a trolley came over to give me a hand with by backback. Straight away I though 'what a lovely dude, he has come to help me'. Meanwhile, Owen whispered in my ear 'he is going to want some money.' Sure enough, one minute later he stops suddenly and says 'tip, tip.' I learnt my lesson straight away that no local in Kuta does anything for free.
The next day we woke up to a different lifestyle to what we were used to. Everything was new including the smell, people and environment. I thought to myself why didnt we start our OE in a place a little more westernised. Culture shock certainly started to kick in for me. However, I thought the best thing I can do is just get out there and get over it. We decided to go for a walk. Everywhere we went hawkers would come up to us and try and sell something. In the end we would just straight out ingnore them because there wasnt much else you could do. Probably the most persistant, annoying salespeople I will ever meet.
Later on, we decided to hire a scooter. This would have to be one of the most frightening and exciting experiences of my life. Anyone who has been to Asia can understand that the roads over here is a free for all where you can pull out and past anyone at anytime.
Later we went for a ticky tour around Kuta and got extremely lost. We asked directions to our hotel three times and after an hour or so we finally came across it. Kuta is extremely hard to navigate around because there are not meny land marks. The best thing I did was find a simcard with internet so that we could use maps on my iphone.
Later that night we went to watch some midget boxing. We meet some aussies who were high on mushrooms that were heaps of fun.
The next day I woke up with a spew (I wasnt hungover! i know thats what everyone is thinking. Pretty sure it was the food) and then we were on our way. Owen wanted to go around the coastline right down the bottom of Bukit Peninsual so I jumped on the back of the scooter and off we went. Traffic was crazy and typical of Asia but owen was quick to learn the ins and outs of the road rules or lack of road rules I should say. We got pulled up by a local cop on the highway and he was quick to bill us for not having an international license. At first he said it would be a fine of 1,000,000 rupies (AUD $100). I only had 200,000 on me so I gave him that and we were off again. Later on we realised that he definitly got much more than he should of and we just wasted $20 bux.
On our mission we were lucky to stumble across a monkey/ temple sanctionary and the ultimate surfers paridise. Daydream beach is possiblily the nicest beach I have been to. Tucked away down a very expensive looking road (statues and garden lined) we were lucky to stumble across it. Straight away we learnt that this is one of Bali's main attraction as bus loads of people were showing up. The waves were insanely big, the sand was golden and it was surrounded by beautiful looking cliffs. Definitlly recommend this beach to everyone!
Today we went white water rafting and have just travelled north to Ubud!. Next we are going to look at temples, elephants and maybe do a 6 hour tramp up Gunung Agung Volcanoe.
Lily x
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