Day two of Bolivian jeep tour:
We saw lots more things that we took photos of like the desert tree (a rock in the desert that looks like a tree) and more lakes that were weird colours.
Things were looking up. It had stopped snowing and it was a sub-tropical 2 degrees celcius. We went slightly lower in altitude and only the headaches remained.
Our driver was a lot more confident with his driving too. Although there were no roads, there were sometimes little tracks that we could follow. Our driver, I can't remember his name so I will call him Fernando, was going twice as fast as the previous day and was practicing his off road driving by avoiding the jeep tracks as much as possible. He was also having a race with another jeep.
One week earlier we met an Irish girl who said that her rally driving friend always avoided injury when he crashed his car by putting one hand on the ceiling and one hand on the side of the car and holding himself in place in case the car rolled over. On the second day of our tour, the driving was so bad that everytime the jeep felt like it was going to roll over we all put our hands in place.
At one point, his driving was so crazy that I took a photo of it. We were probably travelling at 60 miles per hour. Just as I was putting the camera away, the jeep hit a rut in the sandy desert and spun on its wheels. It felt like the driver had lost control so we all put our hands in place just as we'd practiced. For one second, it felt like the jeep had stopped and we were safe again so everyone put their hands down apart from me. Then the jeep rolled over three times.
Just like in the movies, I don't really remember the jeep rolling, I only remember being completely calm and unaware of what was actually happening. While everyone was getting thrown about and were screaming, I stayed in the same position, staring forewards and it just felt like I was in a fairground ride.
At the end, a water bottle fell on my face and exploded. We all sat in silence for ages and we couldn't tell which way was up. Eventually we came to our senses and climbed through the windscreen. The driver had flown through the windscreen and had massive head injuries. His wife and son were OK. Everyone had cuts and bruises apart from me. I was completely unharmed. Katie had big bruises all over her sides and legs and she was covered in blood from the driver.
As we sat in the middle of the desert, 5 hours away from the nearest town, lots of other jeeps turned up and took us away. We had to continue the rest of our 3 day tour in another jeep which was now carrying 7 of us. For the next day and a half, everytime the jeep rocked slightly me and Katie held on as tight as we could.
We stayed in a nice hotel that night though. The hotel was made completely out of salt and was sitting on the edge of the largest salt plains in the world. It was warm and slightly lower at 3700m high. We were no longer suffering from altitude sickness.
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