My time in Seoul was full of nights out, traditional BBQs, a visit to the North Korean border and a Korean date. The tour to the border was amazing, though for the week I was there no one was allowed into the room that actually crosses the border as apparently the soldiers were 'practising'. It did however include visits to the infiltration tunnels dug by the North, an observatory to peak in and the South Korean train station built ready to connect with the North if they ever become pals again.
I'd picked a really lively hostel in Seoul too and the staff took all the guests out for a BBQ and drinks nightly! The style of Korean BBQs varies depending on the area that you get them in, but are always a social one. My last night in Korea was date night and started with a Jeju-style BBQ in a place picked by Mira. As was the case with every BBQ, it went down unbelievably! This led on to a bar down the road that play the K-pop requested from the crowd, and everyone's on their feet dancing in sequence, cutting the same shapes as in the music videos! I tried my luck and went to see how a tune from a small scouse band would go down and it was cut halfway through as the whole room sat down... It quickly picked up again once the next K-pop classic popped on! We danced a little there and saw the evening through in a couple other bars. Nice way to round off an unforgettable month in Korea!
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