With A & L both back at work today, it was upto the three of us to find our way to Manly.
Easy...... Ferry to Manly from Darling Harbour.
It actually was easy, we keep surprising ourselves and forgetting we are not in Asia anymore. Although, Matt does keep using 'Sawadee Cap' and 'Korb Kun Cap' when in shops.
Backpackers lunch -
Ingredients - A half cooked chicken and a baguette from coles.
Serves - 4
- Sit near the beach watching surfers.
- Use knife from apartment to divide the baguette into even portions.
- Pull chicken apart with bare hands (Really Manly).
- Stuff into baguette and demolish.
- When trying to enjoy the sandwich, fend off seagulls with the knife from the apartment.
- (Matt) If this fails, throw crumbs towards Sophie to distract them.
- When they flock to Sophie anticipate eratic behaviour.
- Depending on outcome act accordingly.
Outcome - Sophie throwing a full bag of crisps at the seagulls resulting in a swarm and evacuation from the area.
Sophie's handbag remains in tthe centre of the frenzy. Watching her retrieve it equals hilarious.
Via local bus we travelled to North Head, a popular whale watching position. Unfortunately it is the wrong season but in this part of Sydney National Park you can stand above massive waves crashing into the cliffs while a powerful wind tries to toss you over the edge. The hairstyles in the photos are the only way of showing this. On the return journey, Matt became fascinated with the abundance of Golden Orb Weaver's (A Local Spider - See Photo).
M & C xxxx
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