After a team effort of cleaning this huge house to start the day, the road trip began. Who would have known that everybody else in Sydney had gone to Jervis Bay for the weekend and was travelling back at the same time. The easiest way to describe it is, the A64 bank holiday monday on your way to Scarborough or Brid.
To carry on the analogy we had a choice between turning off down the A166 (Grand Pacific Road) or stay true to the capabilities of the well trusted A64 (M1 to Syndey). Of course being the mental backpackers that we are (impatient and trying to out smart the other road users) we headed towards the alternative route - Grand Pacific Road. GRIDLOCK.
We are about to tell everyone why people who like to party, come backpacking in Australia. It's a well kept secret and you really have to get yourself into the situation we did to find out. However, we will save you all the effort.
Imagine this....
HUNGOVER...... McDonalds value box. $20 (£10)
- 2 x Big Mac
- 2 x Cheese Burgers
- 4 x Fries
- 4 x Drinks
- 2 x Chicken Sandwich
- 2 x Chicken Surprise
- 4 x Fries
- 4 x Drinks
So the grass is greener for those who ever doubted it (Caz), everybody get yourselves over here!
6 1/2 Hours later, three visits to McDonalds, we arrived back in Syndey.
Awesome Road Trip.
M & C xxxx
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