Emily's latest entry
Ko Pha-Ngan, Thailand
Feeling rather ropey we arrived at Bangkok train station with over an hour to spare. Once we boarded the train, I decided 2nd class was not very comfortable, particularly in comparison to how I had travelled from Chiang Mai to Bangkok a week earlier (1st class). Nevertheless it was an experience. Our seats were switched to beds and curta…
Dad It's great when you have been somewhere like shopping in Singapore, which you consider a privilege at the time (some 15 years ago), and then your children manage to do the same! Wow Emily you have managed to do this all of your own accord – I went under the guise of my Client paying for a business trip and then managing to arrange a stop-over!! I still have a few clothes form there now!! Enjoy, it provided great reminiscing memories!! Love Dad xxx
re: SingaporeDad Well, more experiences... all providing memories. And whilst removing innocences hopefully providing enjoyment and eventually wisdom! Love you darling, and thanks for keeping us in the picture. Love Dad xxx
re: NoosaDad Hot and cold pool looks really comfortable and relaxing! Nice to see you with Keighley. Em, when we lived in Uxbridge, Canada, fountain drinking water at school was supplied from a natural spring and really had a 'bad' sulphur smell when drinking it - so really know what you mean about the 'egg smell' - we held our nose or breath when drinking... Looks great xxx
re: RotoruaDad Rather you than me Emily! - The fun is in the sharing the experience too!
re: photo fromHeidi Bastow Emily, that's funny. It's amazing how your tastes change as you get older huh lol!
re: Poo Pub Fancy DressHeidi Bastow Emily, I am very proud of you and.. impressed.
re: Queenstownlorraine farrow Wow ! Sounds like you are having a fantastic time ! Love reading what you are up to bet u didnt want to leave fiji but then new zealand is suppose to be one of the best places in the world ?! Enjoy your next lot of adventures have fun keep safe. Look forward to reading about your time in new zealand ! Xx
re: Fiji Time