Hi chick, am really enjoying all your photos and can't wait to catch up with you when you get back, although I will leave it a few weeks so you're not too brown as to shame me! Nothing much changes here, girls still blonde and orange, weather still grey and cold.
Enjoy every minute, bet it's flying past, be safe, see you soon, Sam X PS Glad it's an easy sum at the bottom because I have major baby brain and still can't converse with people inthe "real" world! Nappies and night feeds are a major topic atm !xxx
Jill Cole
Emily we are so enjoying sharing your travels. It is so great to know you are working at your diving but also having fun. Love you.
So nice to see you doing all the things we dream of doing - fantastic experiences and memories - thanks also for taking the time out to share will us all back in our own environments. So proud of you!! Keep on pushing yourself to do the extra things you can and enjoy. Lots of love and a BIG hug Dad xxx
Heidi Bastow
Emily it has been totally amazing to catch up on your blog. So impressed that you've even cooked, hope you didn't crucify the steak tho lol! Keep safe & great to see how much you are doing and enjoying. Love you loads xxx
Lorraine Farrow
Hi em u have certainly beechan busy ! Surprised u find the time to write all about your adventures. Now about this potatoe topped pie ??? Its obviously yummy so any chance of you getting the recipe we could get mum to cook it then come round for a taster! Haha anyway hope u have lots more fun so u can keep us up to speed with your blog take care xxx
Em! im *sooo* jealous...ur blog and photos are awesome...its getting cold here so dnt come back any time soon, lol. Take Care, Roma xxx
Wow Emily sounds like you are having an amazing time, can't wait for the next installment. Take care, stay safe love you loads Mum xx
Heidi Bastow
Bloody fantastic Emily - it all sounds so amazing. I could even see the blue water & mantarays! It's womderful following your "awesome" time. Love you Em, stay safe xxxx