Stuck in the UK
Back in Ho Chi Minh City. Just left Belinda at the airport and checked into a backpacker, the Sao Nam Hotel. Room is small, but not too bad. Will only be here overnight and then to Phnom Penh tomorrow on the bus.
So I think that I am now officially backpacking. Time to go and get some dinner.
- comments
Dad Well mate on your own, Im sure you will go thru times for a little while when you get home sick and think.. maybe this wasnt such a good idea. But i am sure Belinda has pre warned you on that. It is hard for us here knowing you are on your own, when Belinda was with you it gave us security, not that you need baby sitting, just knowing you had company. So keep enjoying and adventuring as i am sure you will learn and grow from all your experiences. Remember mate we are not really all that far away if you ever need us. I love you son. Dad.
Josh Hey leigh lee wat happened to Hoi an??