I'M A VERY PROUD AUNTIE!! WHOOOOP! well, i say that but technically i'm am a cousin but auntie leigh has such a better ring to it!! i'm soooo happy and please for auntie helen and andy. can't wait to see the little feller.
this is my lasty night in adelaide and i'm a bit sad! i've had such an amazin time and met so many great people...janina, john, olli, brad, ema, jenny ("i've got sweaty eyebrows"), mezianne, rob, rob...the list could go on! thank god for facebook for keepin in touch. but now maybe a good time to leave, everyone is driftin off to other places so it wouldn't be the same if i stayed.
considering i was worried about comin here by myself i've had a blast! so really funny times, including numerous peter kay and ricky gervais one liners, rumours, laughin, gettin mad, GIN, dvds. and i've kinda learnt that just becasue i'm in a new place doesnt mean that i am different, i've still got the same insecurities and worries but i also have a bit more confidence that i thought. in the words of a certain mr brand - "you're still you, just somewhere a bit different"!
tomorrow we set off on another adventure, headin to alice springs and then ayers rock with colette and sian. feel like i haven't seen them for ages and i can't wait to catch up!
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