i'm lovin adelaide! the hostel is really nice and everyone is friendly.
we went outon thursday night to PJ O'Briens...very different to the one in melbourne. we had a great night though, ended up eatin pizza and drinkin wine until 4am. then thought it was a good idea to run through the sprinklers on the way home so ended up soakin!
this weekend janina (from germany) and myself went pretty dress shoppin! and i had sushi (for the first time!!). the shops here are lovely, loads of little boutique shops with incredibly pretty dresses for sale! and then sunday i went ot the beach with brad and ema (both english), and sat on the beach for ages even though it was fairly windy! ha. and then ended up in the pub and then wine at the hostel! eeek.
and i'm working tomorrow and a few days next week. hurrrrraaaaahhhhhhhh!! should be good, gonna keep looking though
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