as my good friend Adele pointed out, I always seem to have something funny happening to me - not this time, I've had a relativly peaceful few days!
Today we went to some caves, about an hours drive away - it was spectacular! however, i was annoyed at how commercial it was. There was no way you could get into any of the caves without paying at least 25 dollars and then you had to go in with a guide. its really annoying cause I could have spent all day looking around the 8 kilometers of caves (that have so far been discovered, they reckon theyve only seen about 30% so far). the tour that we went on took us to the under ground river, it was amazing to see (even if the french tourists got on my nerves a bit). It's certainly made me want to do some cave diving (Steve you should get out here and come do one of the dives, they've so far gone down 90ft!). I'm looking forward to getting to the great barrier reef and doing more diving courses.
we also went on the worlds steepest railway, absolutley frilling...well it could have at least had a few loop the loops in it, but atleast i can say I went on it...for 10 blinkin dollars! oh well, it was nice while it lasted for 20 seconds.
tomorrow we are heading towards the bright lights of Sydney! we will be staying in an apartment in Darling Harbour (which is aparently the poshest and nicest part of the city). The apartment has a privat roof top sydney with great views of the sydney sky line, so i will send back plenty of photos :)
Tomorrow I will update my photos so you can all share in the views of the Blue Mountains, I still cant get over some of the things ive seen up here, purely amazing!
I hope you are all keeping safe and not doing anything I would do!
missing you all (well, most of you....not really missing miller....ok I'm lost without him, but dont tell him).
lots of love to you all
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