Once again we have made it out of the city and into the rain forest, and boy did we find out why they call it a rain forest!
arriving yesterday we had time to enjoy the sun and sit around the pool before heading out to buy stuff for our man BBQ, meat. With most hostels Ive found it easy to make friends, and this small idyllic location has been no differnt. a german guy took me out to a local surf spot with some nice 3-4ft rights (no worries if you dont understand that - it was awesome!). let me set the scene for you all...the sun was shinning, yet a few miles off shore you could see a storm moving over the sea with fork lightning scarring the sky and the odd rumble of thunder. looking back to land all you could see is miles of sand dunes, so huge that you can become lost in them. on the paddle out the guy who I was with mentioned that we were currnelty swimming in a great white breeding ground "dont worry" he said "only the small baby ones are here, its a breeding ground" this lead me to think about the mother and father who would probabnly also be around. Let me tell you something, when you see a fin coming towards you after hearing that - you get out there as fast as you can! after spotting the fin I was half way back to shore (maybe making slight girly noises) before my new friend pointed out that it was a dolphin! thank b*****y for that! the things came so close that I was able to touch them. later on I spotted a heap of fish all leaping out of the water"there must be a great white feeding near by" said my SO CALLED new friend!
it wasnt all scary though, i enjoyed a few of the best waves of my life!
that evening we all set around the fire and sang along to some classic guitaring from Dutch Tom, it sound classic after a few beers anyway!
so thats it so far, all is well in the world of lee. today we are heading out for a sand boarding session - which me luck!
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