So after doing what we needed to do in Perth City we went to collect our hire car. Now for anyone who knows me well they would know that I am a stickler for rules! Now this coupled with a hire car could only lead to angst! Kirst had let herself in for an experience as my good friend Ruth would well know from when we hired a car in America back in 2005!
So we pick up the car, I ask the guy a million questions to ensure that we are not going to get ripped off and thoroughly inspect the car for any divs dents or scratches marking it very carefully on the sheet. Now you may well be laughing but these things are important when you return the car. I was there ready for the onslaught of well this wasnt on the car or you must have done this... oh no not me im well wised up to that old chestnut, oh yes.
So anyway what must have seemed like two hours to both Kirst and the guy by the time I had finished faffing around we set off to go and pick Jack up. Jack is a lad who we met in South Africa, still deciding what it was that he was going to do whilst in Australia I think he would have come along for the road trip just so he could have some thinking time whilst catching some zzzz's in the back of the car. Everything packed up we set off on our merry way, thinking that we didnt really need a map to get on the right road we set off in whatb we thought was the right direction only to find that it wasnt when we could find any road signs!
We assigned Kack the task of finding our route whilst I aimlessly drove around, so much for saving fuel... oh well I was just enjot\ying being behind the wheel of a car after so long not driving. Jack found us our way and we made our way on to the freeway but we did have a moment where it was that comedy which way moment as I was saying rather loudly left or right left or right in ever transcending tones of urgency.
Phew we picked the right course and everything from there was smooth driving until we hit a junction where we were meant to turn off as I indicated only to be told I was wrong only to be told five minutes later that I was actually right! I diont care though I got to do a doughnut in a side street to turn around..... no people I wasnt that wild there was no tyre screeching involved here.
We cruised our way into Dunsborough it was a nice drive if but a little wet with the rain, Jack apent most of his time snoozing in the back with the array of baggage we had between the three of us you would be amazed at how hard it was to squeeze our stuff into a three door hatchback, we wished we had left the parcel shelf with the rental company but im sure that would have only sparked some suspicion in their herads about what we might be stowing in the car so its best to just struggle on!
So we arrive at dunsborough and check in, it was the YHA which was a cool little place, it wasnt really a wild one or anything like that for us because we didnt purchase any alcohol. Also at this point I discovered that my digital camera was infact working but that made me very happy. So after battling for the kitchen through the mass of fruit pickers who were staying there we cooked tea and then went to bed.
The next day we had planned to go cycling it was almost a stand off between us and the asian tourists as they cheekily went to claim the bikes when we had clearly signed up for them first! but unfortunately one of the bikes wasnt useable so we ended up driving to a point and doing a walk. Jack dived into the sea, we sent him to try the water out before Kirst and I even contemplated heading into the water, he easily confirmed to us that it probably wasnt such a good idea. Also that day Jack almost got his hand bitten off by a blue tongue lizard as he shoved his camera into its face, im sure I wouldnt be happy at that sort of carry on either.
After that short walk we also did a hike around the cape tking in sugar loaf rock, it was quite a cool walk really, the sun was shining and it reflected off the sea magically. It made you happy to be alive!!!. Having done a fair amount of walking we made our way back to the car and headed back to the car via the supermarket. You know sometimes it feels like we live in the darn supermarket we seem to be there twice a day but hey you need to live.
That night was also a quiet one as we just sat and chattede and wrote our diaries and read our books etc. It was again a toussle for the kitchen but you just sort of muscle your way in in the end. Conrent with our full tummies we went to bed and went soundly to sleep.
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